Why don't Japanese people use whatsapp?

The WhatsApp is a messaging application that has gained a lot of popularity in recent years, and it is quite difficult to find a person who does not use or who has not used the application, a concept that the Japanese do not agree with so much.

Therefore, today's text will address the reason why the Japanese do not use Whastapp, and why they prefer Line, the reasons that encompass this almost majority preference, in addition to some curiosities about Japanese culture.

Whether an ordinary person or a calibration company, the truth is that the WhatsApp application has become very popular, first because of the amount of features that it has nowadays, in addition to the fact that it is a completely free application.

At the time it launched, it was in direct competition with major phone carriers who charged to send text messages from your cell phone. So an app that offers the same service, just needing an internet connection was ideal.

Nowadays, a good part of the world uses WhatsApp, either to send a photo of flow test or for pure leisure and entertainment, keeping in touch with friends and people close to you, even having purely business functions.

Following this line of reasoning, it would be normal for the Japanese to also find such an application sensational and use it in the same way as the rest of the world. But the truth is, that's not how things work.

So, the following question remains: why the Japanese don't use WhatsApp? What do they use instead? The answer to these and many other questions will be answered in the following topic. Check out!

Why do the Japanese use Line instead of WhatsApp?

WhatsApp vs. Line: understand the differences

First, whether you are an ordinary person or a air conditioning company, everyone understands that communication is ideal for human beings, from merely social issues to the active work environment of each one.

This means that like everyone else, Japanese people also need to communicate quickly and efficiently. Therefore, WhatsApp is used in Japan, however, for the most part, it is used by foreigners.

Of course, in an emergency situation, a Japanese person can download the WhatsApp application and communicate with a foreigner, but most of the time this only happens if it is very necessary or if the foreigner has no other form of communication.

Even the most diverse internet solutions do not change this line of reasoning which, in the country, is extremely normal and well accepted. Therefore, it is up to you to know another application widely used by them, and which has several features: Line.

Like its direct rival, Line has some features that are:

  • Connections between cell phones and computers;
  • Message exchanges and notes;
  • Custom stickers;
  • Resources found on social networks;
  • Games.

Most likely, just by reading the elements mentioned above, you can already see and understand some of the reasons why Japanese prefer Line to WhatsApp.

This has a lot to do with Japanese patriotism and traditions. Not directly linked to oriental culture, but because they have the habit of consuming everything that is made and created there, avoiding foreign features as much as possible.

Such an attitude can range from something simple, like a flow counter, to something more complex, such as technologies and market strategies. And, obviously, with Line it wouldn't be any different, mainly because it's as good as WhatsApp.

Why do the Japanese use Line instead of WhatsApp?

Discover some of the app's features

Just as WhatsApp and Telegram itself have peculiarities in common, Line also offers a vast amount of possibilities for all those who seek to use it. But the truth is that Line has always been one step ahead of competitors.

Some features that are common among users today, such as the famous stickers, Line has had for a long time and in a much more personalized way, showing images in action that exemplify a situation or event.

It can also be used by companies surface treatment or any other branch, this type of communication is widely used these days by Whastapp and Telegram, and many can be mistaken thinking that Line copied the idea.

Another feature that is common among all these applications is to make calls from one phone to another over the internet, just needing to have a saved contact or phone number, helping a lot to not even spend money on calls.

Such an action is very positive for many people and, depending on the occasion, can be a great advantage over other telephone operators. Regardless of whether the conversation is about technology or roll up door, is a big step forward.

The difference is that Line allows you to call computers via smartphone, and from smartphone to computers, bringing a real advantage over WhatsApp that makes video calls, however, calls only from one phone to another.

This makes possible several situations in places where cell phones are not allowed, such as call center operations or places where digital security is extremely necessary.

Another positive point to be mentioned between Line and its competitor is security. Although WhatsApp is indeed very secure, there have already been situations where the security of the application was put in check, causing some scandals so to speak.

Just as people who work with sound are interested in a acoustic barrier, most people who are interested in technology like practicality and Line, in addition to allowing this, also supports several games within the application.

Imagine you playing on the same device that sends messages to your friends? All of this with various team play and social media features that are implemented into the Line system.

This allows greater interaction between users and their contacts, also allowing greater interaction with the platform and, consequently, attracting a greater number of people and making them prefer Line over its competitors.

And last, but not least, it opens the possibility of not using your phone number, being able to pass on to other people only the QR Code. That way, even if you exchange contacts, you can still keep your security.

WhatsApp, for example, uses the QR Code only to connect the cell phone device to the computer, to make life easier for people who need to constantly look at cell phone messages quickly, without being distracted all the time by it.

These features alone are a great reason for the Japanese to prefer Line over WhatsApp, but we can cite a few more reasons that go a little further than just the technological features of a platform.

As mentioned earlier, the Japanese have a culture of consuming their own products and, although they consume some things that come from outside, for the most part, various items, applications, machines and technology are produced there.

There are several giants in the field of cell phones and video games that, for example, have their origins and headquarters in the country, not to mention the automobile sector. It's not strange to find cars there that are only from national brands.

If with something as impressive as machinery and technology they already have these habits, with something like an app it would be no different, thus making Line used by the overwhelming majority of Japanese people.

So, when you go to Japan, don't be surprised by this kind of attitude. Just as we Brazilians have some quirks and habits that can be strange when seen by foreigners, people of other races, cultures and countries have peculiarities.

Why do the Japanese use Line instead of WhatsApp?

Final considerations

Today's text addressed some of the reasons why the Japanese do not use WhatsApp and prefer to invest no time in Line, in addition to the features of each one, as well as comparing what one has and the other does not.

It is important to understand that both are quite good and serve people as needed. In Brazil and elsewhere in the world, WhatsApp has become commonplace, as it is already rooted in our way of communicating.

Just as Line is already rooted in Japanese habits and methods, making them prefer not to use the first example cited.

Regardless of what is decided, whether you are an ordinary person or a company looking for more knowledge, the important thing is to understand what you need and which best meets your need, in addition to thinking and imagining what the people around you prefer.

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