Meaning of: 寄付 - kifu

Romaji: kifu

Kana: きふ

Type: noun

L: jlpt-n3


Meaning: contribution; Donation

Meaning in English: contribution;donation

Table of Content
- Etymology
- Writing
- Synonyms
- Example Phrases

Explanation and Etymology - (寄付) kifu

寄付 is a Japanese word that means "donation" or "contribution". The first part of the word, 寄, can be translated as "send" or "deliver", while the second part, 付, means "give" or "pay". Together, these two parts form the concept of "delivering something as a donation or contribution". The word 寄付 is composed of two Kanji, which are Chinese characters used in Japanese writing. The first kanji, 寄, is composed of two radicals: the radical that represents a roof and the radical that represents a man. Together, these radicals suggest the idea of someone who seeks shelter under a roof, that is, someone who seeks refuge or help. The second kanji, 付, is composed of the radical that represents a hand and the radical that represents money or goods. Together, these radicals suggest the idea of delivering something by hand, such as a donation or payment. In summary, the word 寄付 has an etymology that suggests the idea of someone who seeks refuge or help and delivers something by hand as a way of contributing or donating.

How to Write in Japanese - (寄付) kifu

See below a step-by-step guide on how to write the word by hand in Japanese (寄付) kifu:

Synonyms and Similar - (寄付) kifu

See below a list of Japanese words that have the same meaning or is a variation of the word we are studying on this page:

寄贈; 捐贈; 奉納; 贈与; 奉献; 奉送; 捧げる; 贈る; 与える; 提供する; 贈答する; 進呈する; 供与する; 供給する; 贈り物; 奉仕する; 供出する; 献上する; 献呈する; 贈り品; 進上する; 進呈品; 進物する; 献上品; 献上物; 献物する; 献上品; 献上物; 献金する; 奉納物; 奉納金; 奉納品; 奉献金; 奉


Words containing: 寄付

See also other related words from our dictionary:

Words with the same pronunciation: きふ kifu

Example Sentences - (寄付) kifu

Below are some example sentences:


Kifu wa shakai kōken no hitotsu no hōhō desu

Doação é uma forma de contribuir para a sociedade.

Donating is a way to contribute to society.

  • 寄付 (きふ) - donation
  • は - topic particle
  • 社会貢献 (しゃかいこうけん) - contribution to society
  • の - possession particle
  • 一つ (ひとつ) - one
  • の - possession particle
  • 方法 (ほうほう) - method
  • です - verb to be (polite form)

Phrase Generator

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Other words of the same type: noun

See other words from our dictionary that are also: noun

Kana: ごう

Romaji: gou


number; edition


Kana: スピーチ

Romaji: supi-chi




Kana: グループ

Romaji: guru-pu



FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

There are different ways of expressing the idea of "contribution; Donation" in the Japanese language.

A way of saying "contribution; Donation" é "(寄付) kifu". Throughout this page you will find information and alternatives.
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On this page you will find precious information about the Japanese word "(寄付) kifu", you can take advantage of the phrases available on this page and add them to a memorization program or Flashcard. You can also see their writing, meanings and synonyms.