If you aim to study nihongo, or go to a Japanese school, you should know the main objects in the classroom. In this article, we will see a list of objects and their meanings to improve your Japanese.
It's worth remembering that this is a simplified article, so we won't go into detail about every word. It is worth remembering that in Japanese many words are the same but have different meanings, this is the importance of kanji.
Table of Content
Japanese Writing Tools and Surfaces
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Kana | rōmaji | Portuguese |
えんぴつ | enpitsu | pencil |
消しゴム | keshigomu | Rubber |
ペン | Pen | pen |
ボールペン | boorupen | ballpoint pen |
マジック | Majikku | marker |
チョーク | chooku | giz |
こくばん | Kokuban | blackboard |
ホワイトボード | howaitoboodo | whiteboard |
ふで | fuck | writing brush |
かみ | kami | paper |
げんこうようし | genkou youshi | Manuscript |
ぶんぼうぐ / ぶんぐ | bunbougu / Bungu -> stationery | "stationery item" |
in the word rubber - keshi means "to erase", while gummies comes from the French word for "rubber".
Arts, Crafts and Room Tools in Japanese
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色紙 | irogami | colored paper |
はさみ | Hasami | scissors |
折り紙 | origami | origami (paper) |
のり | nori | glue past |
ホッチキス | hotchikisu | stapler |
ステープル | suteepuru | clip |
クリップ | kurippu | paper clip |
バインダー | baindaa | Bookbinder |
Japanese classroom books
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本 | hon | book |
絵本 | ehon | illustrated book |
教科書 | kyoukasho | textbook, didactic |
ノート | nooto | notebook |
じしょ / じてん | jisho / jiten | dictionary |
- jisho is normally used for simply "dictionary", while -jiten It is to specify a dictionary, in case it is Japanese-Portuguese.
Japanese room electronics
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電気 | denki | light, electricity |
電話 | denwa | Telephone |
テレビ | terebi | TV |
CD プレイヤー | shiidii pureiyaa | CD player |
DVD プレイヤー | diibuidii pureiyaa | DVD reader |
リモコン | rimokon | Remote control |
パソコン | pasokon | Computer (abv) |
プロジェクター | purojekutaa | Projector |
でんしじしょ | denshi jisho | portable electronic dictionary |
Japanese classroom objects
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Japanese | Romaji | Portuguese |
部屋 | hey | quarto |
教室 | kyoushitsu | classroom |
床 | yuka | floor |
壁 | kabe | parede |
天井 | Tenjou | roof |
ドア | it hurts | door |
窓 | bad | window |
時計 | tokei | watch |
机 | tsukue | desk |
椅子 | isu | chair |
This was another basic article for beginners. We recommend that you also check エクスプレッションズインクラスルーム. If you liked it, don't forget to share and leave your comments.