Information and Curiosities about Bayashi TV

Bayashi TV is a channel on Tiktok, YouTube and other social networks where a Japanese person posts ASMR-style food videos showing the creation of different dishes, most of which involve frying.

Tiktoker Bayashi is one of the biggest of its kind, surpassing 45 million followers on Tiktok and over 9 million on YouTube and 1.3 million on Instagram. Your videos are innovative and unique.

It's not about random ASMR videos where someone is hitting food, Bayashi manages to synchronize all the sounds forming a pleasant and perfect combination and rhythm. These are not videos for those who like ASMR, but videos for everyone.

Its recipes are delicious and make most people's mouths water, the best thing is that thanks to Bayashi, Japanese cuisine is becoming known and being spread all over the world.

The channel manages to mix ASMR, recipes and food all in one, with a charismatic face and greasy and extremely appetizing dishes.

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Information and curiosities about Bayashi TV

Questions involving Bayashi TV

Below we will answer some frequently asked questions involving Bayashi:

(Just click on the question titles to display the answers)

How old is Bayashi? What is the date of birth?

Bayashi was born on September 5, 1988, aged 34 in 2023.

How much does Bayashi TV earn from its Tiktok and YouTube?

Earnings are uncertain, but we believe he has a net worth of $3 million. The earnings estimate, according to tools, is from 125 thousand to 2 million dollars per month.

Who are the members of the Bayashi Family?

Bayashi's father name is Mr. Naniwa, businessman, and his mother's name is Mrs. Naniwa. He has a younger sister named Yui Yui and an unknown girlfriend.

What are Bayashi's most popular videos?

Some of their most popular videos are "ASMR Giant Cheese in Hamburger Steak", "Mukbang Tonkatsu and Guacamole" and "ASMR Cheese Dog and Fried Chicken".

Information and curiosities about Bayashi TV

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