Communication Verbs and Elocution in Japanese

In today's article we are going to know some conversation, communication and elocution verbs in the Japanese language. Verbs like speak, hear, ask, say, talk, etc.

Let's see verbs that announce the speech, that is, introduce a speech, indicating the characters' attitudes and actions.

Let's see a vocabulary list and then some example sentences. Hope you like the article:

Portuguese Japanese Romaji
transmit, report, communicate, tell 伝える Tsutaeru
prove, testify 証しする Akashi suru
say, utter, declare 言う Iu
Speak talk 話す Hanasu
talk, say 喋る / しゃべる Shaberu
ask, inquire 尋ねる Tasuneru
ask, doubt, question 問う too
Ask, beg, ask, trust 頼む Tanomu
Listen 聞く Kiku
refuse, reject, 断る Kotowaru
Sing 歌う Utau
Response 答える Kotaeru
Laugh 笑う Warau - Laugh
Shout out 怒鳴る Donaru
Scream, cry 喚く Wamenu
Discuss, talk in group 話し合う Hanashiau
mumble, grumble 呟く Tsubuyaku
rebuke 詰る Najiru
scold, censure, curse 叱る Shikaru
Whisper, spread rumor 囁く Sasayaku
cry out, exclaim 叫ぶ Sakebu
Explain, defend, persuade 説く Tokyo
Repeat 繰り返す Korikaesu
Protest, screw, push 捩じ込む Nejikomu
Preach 宣べ伝える Nobetsutaeru
declare, affirm 言い切る Iikiru
Exalt, celebrate, sing praises 謳う Utau
order, command 命令する Meireisuru
Agree, Decide, Contract 取り決める Torikimeru
Know, understand, be aware, agree 心得る Kokoroeru
deny, contradict 打ち消す Uchikesu
Apologize 謝る Ayamaru
Apologize 詫びる Wabiru
justify, explain, vindicate 言い開く Iihiraku
think, reflect, consider 考える Kangaeru
Finish, Resolve 済ます Sumasu
express, mention, declare 述べる Noberu
Teach, instruct, tell, inform 教える Oshieru
speak, tell, narrate, recite 語る Kataru

What is the difference between 言う, 話す and 喋る? The verb 話す is used more when the subject is serious, sincere, long and important. Whereas 言う is simply used to say something. Meanwhile 喋る is the same thing as 話す but is used casually.

What is the difference between 詫びる and 謝る? 詫びる is to apologize with sympathy from the bottom of the heart. While 謝る is just out of necessity. So 謝ります sounds more objective and お詫びします sounds more subjectively.

Example sentences:

Animals can teach, they can communicate what they have learned.
Animals can learn and pass on what they have learned.

Shinu nam to iu na.
Don't say things like die.

What are you talking about?
What are you talking?

I asked him how he was feeling.
Ask him if he wants another drink.

Tomu can't refuse.
Tom cannot refuse.

I can't answer your question.
I cannot answer your question.

He orders his soldiers loudly.
He shouted an order to the soldiers.

He whispered something to her.
He whispered something to her.

Sono wadai wa hanashiau kachigāru.
This topic is worth discussing.

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