Sweet takoyaki Recipes and curiosities

On this page you will learn the recipe and some information about the Japanese dish Sweet takoyaki Also known as pankēketaokiyaki.

Table of Content
- About
- Origin
- Information
- Ingredients
- Preparation
- Related

All about pankēketaokiyaki

Takoyaki is a typical dish of Japanese cuisine, which has won more and more fans around the world. This delicacies consist of cookies made from powder, flour and other ingredients, which are fried in a specific machine for this purpose.

A variation of this dish, very popular in Japan, is sweet takoyaki. As the name implies, this version is characterized by its sweet taste, which can be a surprise for those who are used to the traditional version.

Sweet takoyaki is made from the same flour and powder but instead of being filled with the traditional soy sauce, a sweet sauce is added, which can be made with ingredients such as honey, sugar and oysters.

In addition, the cover is also different, and it is common to find sweet takoyaki with mayonnaise cover and katsuobushi (dried fish flocks). This combination of flavors, sweet and salty, makes the dish even more interesting and tasty.

The process of preparing sweet takoyaki is the same as traditional takoyaki. The pasta is poured into a half-sphere-shaped machine, where the powder filling and other ingredients are added. Then the cakes are turned with a spatula until they become golden and crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.

Like traditional takoyaki, sweet takoyaki is served in individual portions, usually accompanied by sauces and spices to be added to taste. It is a very popular snack or snack option in Japan, and can be found at street fairs, festivals and specialized restaurants.

Sweet takoyaki is a delicious variation of the traditional takoyaki, which has won tastes around the world. If you are a fan of Japanese cuisine or are looking for new flavors, don’t forget to try this delicacies that combine sweet and salty in a unique and delicious way.

Sweet Takoyaki

Origin and history of Doce Takoyaki

Sweet takoyaki is a typical dish of Japanese cuisine, originating in the Osaka region. Takoyaki means "fried powder" in Japanese and the dish consists of pasta cakes made with wheat flour, water and eggs, filled with pieces of cooked powder, onion and ginger.

The history of takoyaki dates back to the nineteenth century, when a walking salesman from Osaka called Tomekichi Endo decided to create a new way of cooking powder, which was a food widely consumed in the region. He created a flour mass with pieces of powder and cooked it on a round plate with cavities, thus creating the first takoyakis.

Over time, the dish became popular and spread throughout Japan, being served in street festivals, restaurants and even in vending machines. The sweet version of takoyaki, covered with crisp sauce and mayonnaise, emerged in the 1970s and became a very popular variation of the original dish.

Today, takoyaki is a dish highly appreciated by Japanese and also by tourists visiting the country, being considered a symbol of Osaka cuisine and a delight of Japanese cuisine.

About the recipe

  • Name of the plate: Sweet takoyaki
  • Name of the dish in English: Sweet takoyaki
  • Name of the plate in Japanese: パンケーキたこ焼き
  • Name of the Romanian dish: pankēketaokiyaki

Information about preparation

  • Time to prepare: 5 minutes
  • Time of Cooking: 10 minutes
  • Difficulty: MEDIUM
  • It suits: 3-6 people
  • Occasions:

Ingredients – Ingredients

Check out the necessary and optional ingredients Sweet takoyakiIt makes sense to improvise

  • Tagged Takayaki
  • Neutral vegetable oil
  • Mix of pancakes
  • milk
  • eggs
  • Apples in cubes
  • Fated Banana
  • Meat molten
  • Shocked baby
  • Chocolate Goma
  • Kissed Melty

Watch a video of the recipe:

Recipes - How to Prepare

Now that you know the ingredients to make the recipe Sweet takoyaki. Follow the instructions below in the preparation mode or step by step.


Prepare the pancakes:

In a bowl, mix the mix of pancakes, milk and eggs until you get a homogeneous mass. The proportion of ingredients may vary according to the brand of the mix, but the ideal is to use about 200g to ensure a sufficient amount of mass for all Takoyaki.

Cut the pieces into pieces:

Make sure the fillings are cut into small pieces, about 1 cm in size, so they can fit perfectly inside the Takoyaki.

3.Smile the Takoyaki pot slightly and heat it:

Put some oil in the Takoyaki pot and heat it to medium heat.

Add the mass and the fillings:

Pull the pasta into the holes of the pot and add the fillings of your preference. When the edges start to get crouchy and the pasta looks half-cooked, turn the Takoyaki with the help of a toothpaste. If this is your first time doing Takoyaki, you can find useful instructions in our tasty recipe.

5 You say:

If you want to give a special touch, spray bakery sugar over the Takoyaki. Or if you prefer something sweeter, you can add a little sugar to the pasta. Serve and enjoy!