Flower -shaped sushi roller Recipes and curiosities

On this page you will learn the recipe and some information about the Japanese dish Flower -shaped sushi roller Also known as Ohana no katachi no makizushi.

Table of Content
- About
- Origin
- Information
- Ingredients
- Preparation
- Related

All about Ohana no katachi no makizushi

Sushi is a very popular dish of Japanese cuisine and is known and appreciated all over the world. It is generally made up of roasted rice with vinegar and a variety of ingredients, such as raw fish, seafood, vegetables or omelette. However, there is a version of sushi that stands out for its appearance and creativity: sushi in the shape of a flower.

Flower-shaped sushi is a variation of traditional sushi and is made in a similar way, but with a much more elaborate presentation. To create this culinary artwork, the chef needs a lot of skill and precision. The result is a sushi with an impressive and delicate look, which pleases both the eyes and the taste.

Flower-shaped sushi is made with sushi rolls wrapped in cone shape and then cut into slices. These slices are organized so as to create a composition that resembles a flower. The center is usually filled with an ingredient that stands out, such as a slice of fish or a colorful vegetable. The sushi pieces are then decorated with other ingredients, such as sauces, herbs or edible flowers, to give a final touch to the presentation.

In addition to being an incredible visual experience, sushi in flower shape also offers a combination of delicious flavors. The mixture of textures and ingredients makes each bite a surprise for the taste.In addition, the flower shape adds a playful and fun element to the meal, making it even more pleasant.

Although flower-shaped sushi is a relatively new creation, it has already won many fans around the world. It is a popular option in Japanese restaurants and even at special events such as weddings and parties. In addition, with the popularity of sushi increasing, it is likely that we will see more and more creative variations, including flower-shaped sushi.

In summary, sushi in flower form is a unique and creative option for anyone who wants to experience something different in Japanese cuisine. With its impressive appearance and delicious flavors, it is an experience that is worth trying. Whether you are a sushi fan or are just looking for a new gastronomic experience, it is definitely worth trying sushi in flower form.

Flower -shaped sushi roller

Origin and history of Rolo de sushi em forma de flor

Flower-shaped sushi is a contemporary creation that emerged in Japan in recent years. The idea came from the traditional technique of rolling sushi in cylinder shape, but with special cuts and folds, creating a delicate and flower-like appearance. It is believed that the inspiration for this dish came from the Japanese art of origami, which also uses precise folds and cuts to create different shapes. Today, flower-shaped sushi is a very popular option in Japanese restaurants around the world, being a creative and tasty way to present this traditional dish.

About the recipe

  • Name of the plate: Flower -shaped sushi roller
  • Name of the dish in English: Flower shaped sushi roll
  • Name of the plate in Japanese: お花の形の巻き寿司
  • Name of the Romanian dish: Ohana no katachi no makizushi

Information about preparation

  • Time to prepare: 15 minutes
  • Time of Cooking: 30 minutes
  • Difficulty: MEDIUM
  • It suits: 2-3 people
  • Occasions: Main meals, side dishes, summer

Ingredients – Ingredients

Check out the necessary and optional ingredients Flower -shaped sushi rollerIt makes sense to improvise

  • 300g of sushi rice
  • 50g of tarako (crab egg)
  • 100 g of tuna
  • 100g of salmon
  • 1 cupcake
  • 1 spring onion
  • Rice Paper for Packaging
  • Taste of Sushi
  • Wasabi (optional)
  • Ginger in conserve (optional)

Watch a video of the recipe:

YouTube video

Recipes - How to Prepare

Now that you know the ingredients to make the recipe Flower -shaped sushi roller. Follow the instructions below in the preparation mode or step by step.


Prepare the rice and roe:

Prepare 300g of sushi rice and mix with 50g of Tarako, taking care not to damage the roast.

Prepare the rice paper:

Follow the instructions to prepare the rice paper.

Cut the vegetables and fish:

Cut 1 cucumbers, 1 mole onions, 100g of tuna and 100g of salmon into long strips.

Spread the rice on paper:

Place the rice paper on a sushi ribbon and spread the rice evenly, leaving a 1 cm margin on the opposite edge.

Add the ingredients:

Place the strips of cucumbers, onions, tuna and salmon on the rice, in a row.

Take the sushi:

Start rolling, covering the filling with rice and continue to press tightly. To give a triangle or tear shape, use a flat board and slightly press one side of the roll. Be careful not to press too hard.

Cut and organize:

Cut the roll into 6 pieces and organize them in the shape of a flower.