Okonomiyaki Japanese salted pancake Recipes and curiosities
On this page you will learn the recipe and some information about the Japanese dish Okonomiyaki Japanese salted pancake Also known as Okonomiyaki.
Table of Content - About - Origin - Information - Ingredients - Preparation - Related
All about Okonomiyaki
Okonomiyaki is a traditional dish of Japanese cuisine consisting of a salty pancakes. The name "okonomiyaki" can be translated as "what you like, grilled" and that's exactly what the dish offers: a wide variety of ingredients that can be chosen and grilled according to the taste of each person.
The basis of okonomiyaki is a pancake mass made with flour, water and eggs, which is then mixed with cabbage and other ingredients such as meat, seafood, onions and cheese.The combination of these ingredients can vary according to the region of Japan and even according to the preference of each family or restaurant.
The dish is prepared on a hot iron sheet, similar to a teppanyaki sheet, where the paste is placed and the ingredients are added on top.
A striking feature of okonomiyaki is the sauce used in finishing the dish. This sauce is made from soybean, vinegar, sugar and other ingredients and is poured over the pancakes, giving a gritty and tasty touch.
In addition to sauce, okonomiyaki is also served with Japanese mayonnaise, which is softer and tasty than Western mayonnaise, and beautiful dried fish flakes, which bring a smoked taste and a crisp touch to the dish.
Finally, the okonomiyaki can be served with other accompanying ingredients, such as canned ginger, seaweed and tempura. And for the most daring, there is also the option to add a fried egg over the pancakes, leaving the dish even more tasty and creamy.
Okonomiyaki is a very popular dish in Japan and can be found in a variety of restaurants, from small road-side establishments to more sophisticated restaurants. It is a versatile and delicious option for a fast meal or for a more elaborate gastronomic experience. If you have the opportunity to try, don’t forget to try this typical dish of Japanese cuisine.

Origin and history of Okonomiyaki panqueca salgada japonesa
Okonomiyaki is a Japanese dish that consists of a salty pancakes made with a pasta based on flour, eggs and cabbage, and with various types of filling, such as meat, seafood and vegetables. The origin of Okonomiyaki dates back to the Edo period in the 17th century, when it was known as "funoyaki" and was made only with flour and water. Over time, the dish was evolving and gaining new ingredients, until it became the Okonomiyaki that we know today. The word "okonomi" means "taste" or "preference", and "yaki" means "cooked" or "grilled", reflecting the characteristic of the dish to be customized according to the preferences of each person. Okonomiyaki is a very popular delicacies throughout Japan, and isAbout the recipe
- Name of the plate: Okonomiyaki Japanese salted pancake
- Name of the dish in English: Okonomiyaki Japanese savoury pancake
- Name of the plate in Japanese: お好み焼き
- Name of the Romanian dish: Okonomiyaki
Information about preparation
- Time to prepare: 15 minutes
- Time of Cooking: 15 minutes
- Difficulty: MEDIUM
- It suits: 1-2 people
- Occasions:
Ingredients – Ingredients
Check out the necessary and optional ingredients Okonomiyaki Japanese salted pancakeIt makes sense to improvise
- Pasta:
- 150g finely crushed cabbage
- 100g of okonomiyaki flour
- 1 egg
- 120ml of water
- Options for Toppings:
- Camel and dust
- Toughened Bacon
- Cheese and Ananas
- 2 tablespoons of roasted onions
- Salads and accompanying:
- The Okonomiyaki
- Maionese
- Flocks of Katsuobushi (pretty dry crushed fish)
- Aonori algae (dried sea algae in flocks)
Watch a video of the recipe:
Recipes - How to Prepare
Now that you know the ingredients to make the recipe Okonomiyaki Japanese salted pancake. Follow the instructions below in the preparation mode or step by step.
Preparation mode:
Step 1: Start by mixing 100g of okonomiyaki flour, 120ml of water and 1 egg in a bowl. Add 150g of cabbage and gently mix until mixed.
Step 2: Heat a stove at medium heat and gently oint it with oil. Pull the pasta into the stove and spread it until it gets about 2 cm thick.
Step 3: Add your choice of meat or fish, such as shrimp, peas or spring onions, over the pasta.
Step 4: When the base of the pancakes is firm and golden, turn it with a spatula. Cook on low fire for about 5 minutes until the meat or fish is fully cooked.
Step 5: Turn the pancakes again and cook for a few more minutes.
Step 6: Decorate your Okonomiyaki with sauce, mayonnaise, aonori flocks and katsuobushi flocks. Serve still hot.