Translation and Meaning of: 何とか - nantoka
On this page, we will study the meaning of the Japanese word 何とか (nantoka) and its translation into English. Let's see their different meanings, example phrases, explanations, etymology and the similar words.
Romaji: nantoka
Kana: なんとか
Type: noun
L: jlpt-n3
Translation / Meaning: somehow; anyway; one way or another
Meaning in English: somehow;anyhow;one way or another
Definition: A word that expresses a state or thing.
Table of Content
- Etymology
- Writing
- Synonyms
- Example Phrases
Explanation and Etymology - (何とか) nantoka
The expression 「何とか」 (nantoka) is a multifaceted Japanese word, widely used to convey the idea of something uncertain or indefinite. The word itself derives from the kanji 「何」 which means "what" or "which," and 「とか」, which is a colloquial form used to express uncertainty or ambiguity in a statement. This combination makes 「何とか」 a useful term for speakers to express ambiguous situations or difficulties in an indefinite manner.
In practice, 「何とか」 is used in a variety of contexts and can have slightly different meanings depending on the situation. Some of the main ways of use include:
- As an adverb to indicate that something has been achieved in some way, as in "to manage" or "to find a way."
- To suggest or express some uncertain solution or means to solve a problem.
- To introduce a statement or vague idea when the speech has informational gaps.
In addition to its practical use, 「何とか」 can be found in colloquial variations such as 「なんとか」 in spoken language, where the pronunciation is softened. This variant is quite common in everyday conversations, reflecting the fluency and informality of modern Japanese language. The flexibility of the term allows it to be used both in casual dialogues and in more formal contexts, although the structure and tone of the sentence may adjust according to the situation.
The use of 「何とか」 in contemporary Japanese stands out for its ability to express nuances that are often difficult to articulate directly. In short, the expression reflects the richness of the Japanese language in dealing with what is undefined or uncertain, while providing speakers with a linguistic tool to navigate these ambiguities in everyday life.
How to Write in Japanese - (何とか) nantoka
See below a step-by-step guide on how to write the word by hand in Japanese (何とか) nantoka:
Synonyms and similar words
There are different ways of expressing the idea of "A word that expresses a state or thing." in the Japanese language.
A way of saying "somehow; anyway; one way or another" é "(何とか) nantoka".
Below is a list of Japanese words that have the same meaning or are a variation of the word. "(何とか) nantoka":
- 何卒 (Nanzu) - In no way, please (usually used in formal requests).
- 何かと (Nanikato) - In some way, in various situations.
- 何とかして (Nantoka shite) - Somehow, trying to find a solution.
- 何とも (Nantomo) - In no way; it cannot be fully explained.
- 何となく (Nantonaku) - Without a specific reason, vaguely.
- 何となく言えば (Nantonaku ieba) - If I have to say vaguely; I'm not sure.
- 何となく感じる (Nantonaku kanjiru) - I feel vaguely; an undefined sensation.
- 何とも言えない (Nantomo ienai) - It cannot be fully expressed; it is undefinable.
- 何となく気になる (Nantonaku ki ni naru) - Something that vaguely troubles me; I don't know why.
- 何となく思う (Nantonaku omou) - I think vaguely, without certainty.
- 何となく見える (Nantonaku mieru) - I see vaguely; it's not clear.
- 何となしに (Nanto nashi ni) - Without a clear reason, casually.
- 何とも思わない (Nantomo omowanai) - I don't think of anything specific; I don't care.
- 何とも言えないけれども (Nantomo ienai keredomo) - I can't completely express it, but... (an introduction to a sentence).
- 何とも言えないけども (Nantomo ienai kedomo) - Although I cannot fully express...
- 何とも言えないけど (Nantomo ienai kedo) - I can't say exactly, but...
- 何とも言えないが (Nantomo ienai ga) - I can't say for sure, but...
- 何とも言えないけれど (Nantomo ienai keredo) - Although I cannot express it clearly, ...
- 何とも言えないけれども、 (Nantomo ienai keredomo,) - Although I cannot express it properly, ...
- 何とも言えないところがある (Nantomo ienai tokoro ga aru) - There is something that cannot be clearly expressed.
- 何とも言えないけど、 (Nantomo ienai kedo,) - I can't say exactly, but...
Words related to: 何とか
See also other related words from our dictionary:
Kana: どうにか
Romaji: dounika
somehow or another; one way or another
Kana: かろうじて
Romaji: karoujite
almost; almost; just managed to do st
Kana: いったい
Romaji: ittai
An object; a body; what the hell?; serious?; generally
Words with the same pronunciation: なんとか nantoka
Example Sentences - (何とか) nantoka
Below are some example sentences:
Nantoka naru
Everything will be fine.
- Input - - indicates that the following word is what was entered into the system
- 何とかなる - It's the phrase in Japanese that means "everything will be fine."
- Output - - indicates that the following word is the answer or result of the system
Other words of the same type: noun
See other words from our dictionary that are also: noun