Are the Japanese shallow, ignorant and stupid?

Many Westerners have the idea that the Japanese are the smartest people on earth. It seems kind of controversial, but today I want to break this paradigm and I want to show a different point of view that shows some Japanese people as superficial, ignorant and stupid people.

I even feel that this article is going to generate some bullshit, so I have to scream several times for readers not to generalize my words. I am not defining anything or saying that Japan is one way or another. If you disagree with my words, I also disagree! There are thousands of points of view and different situations. No human being is the same...

Don't read this article thinking I'm talking about all Japanese people. Stop being irrational! Do not generalize my words!

Be careful not to generalize: People often call Japanese people unhappy because of the suicide rate, which is currently only 18 people out of 100,000. So, face it, when I call the Japanese dumb, I'm talking about 18 people per 100,000 people.

Why did I choose the word donkey?

I want to apologize for using the word "dumb“, but I believe that word is more flashy and impactful, but I do not intend to insult anyone. It's just a reasoning word, could just use "are not smart“, but that wouldn't have the same effect, not even a Google search. Of all the words opposite to intelligent, donkey was the one I found least offensive.

Understand why the Japanese are dumb and not smart
Donkey in Japanese!

I have previously written about the japanese intelligence. Where I say there is no difference in IQ, the Japanese are just hardworking and follow the rules, there are cultural aspects like language, cooking and education that help to develop more intelligence.

Indeed the Japanese are very intelligent, but if we look at it from another point of view, we will understand that the Japanese reach an extreme level of ignorance, superficiality and stupidity in many aspects. Again we are not talking about IQ from anyone, but from your lifestyle, nothing very different from most Brazilians and people from all over the world.

Dumb, ignorant and superficial people exist all over the world. It's just that this site talks about Japan and the Japanese, so we're discussing them. We just want to point out some noticeable aspects in the Japanese for us to reflect and reason about.

Understand why the Japanese are dumb and not smart

There really are no stupid people, just people who don't have the same level of information as others.

Ignorance of the Japanese and the COMFORT ZONE

Everyone knows that the Japanese have problems socializing with each other, their shyness, rigidity, fear and lack of initiative makes many Japanese people live far from society in a kind of comfort zone and lonely routine.

Lack of communication and comfort zone is one of the things that makes a person ignorant in many aspects of life. They are unaware of many things around them, they do not delve into areas that are not of interest to them.

Understand why the Japanese are dumb and not smart

remember that ignorant is not a bad person. An ignorant person can also be one who is unaware of the existence of something, who is not aware of something, who lacks certain knowledge.

Many westerners have the misguided idea that all Japanese know how to deal with technology and the internet, but if you are joking, there are still people who use faxes and flip-phone cell phones (open and close). Technology does not dominate Japan as people imagine.

The Japanese are smart about what interests them, but they don't try to do something they don't know how to do. Brazilians are known for inventing solutions, but the Japanese prefer to pay plumbers, electricians, carpenters and other professionals to perform simple services they could do themselves.

Understand why the Japanese are dumb and not smart

I witnessed this when I was on a train going to the Airport. A signal dropped in front of the track and the trains stopped for over 3 hours. I noticed the guards there for hours just looking at the sign instead of doing anything. They wouldn't let us out and they didn't do anything. The signal wasn't even big, from my vision I could gather about 5 and take it off the track, but they prefer to make us get stuck and miss the flight than solve or let us walk 50 meters to the station.


For many, trifles and other frivolous and superficial things are characteristic of stupid people. That's why we separate some aspects and curiosities related to some Japanese people who show these characteristics.

Those who know the Japanese superficially know that their subjects are quite general and most often involve food, money, or sex. I've come across several times with lives of Japanese people on instagram who were simply eating something.

Understand why the Japanese are dumb and not smart

Many Japanese simply sidestep intellectual debates and discussions. As much as Japan is the country of technology, most Japanese can't even handle a computer properly, most of the time due to lack of interest.

We can see some cultural customs that can frighten those who do not know their culture. Even in the language, the Japanese use the same adjective over and over again, use a lot of onomatopoeias and shout (I think that's cool).

The Japanese tend to think collectively, this is good, but it can be bad at times. They can easily be manipulated for good or for bad. They are easy people to fall for advertisements and buy on impulse.

Understand why the Japanese are dumb and not smart

Superficial – Refers to something light, basic, weak, frivolous, quick, external. They are things whose knowledge is basic, simple and elementary.

The article is still halfway through, but we recommend also reading:

For you? What is being dumb?

For many, the information presented in this article has nothing to do with stupidity, despite the fact that this is a slang very common and diverse. Apparently, in this article I only wrote about the lack of dedication to knowledge of some Japanese people.

But I personally have gone through several occasions where I lost patience with the lack of understanding of some Japanese, but I also lose that patience with Brazilians regularly. It is difficult to make people reason and understand.

Understand why the Japanese are dumb and not smart

There are some aspects of the Japanese that some also regard as stupid. For example, shyness and excessive shame, social phobia, perversion and fetishes, beliefs and many others. But this kind of idea is subjective and depends on the point of view.

Those who have a different opinion than ours always end up being labeled as someone stupid. Another aspect that I observe in the Japanese is that many do not have their own opinion and are easily influenced.

Something positive about this alienation of the Japanese to the system is that they will hardly try to stick worms in your head or force you to think like them as most Brazilians do. There's a "fuck what you do" and that's fine.

It may be wrong for me to say this, since in Brazil things are more or less like that. However, there is a Japanese proverb that says that the one who stands out is hammered, so hardly anyone expresses their own opinion in Japan, they are taught to follow things as they are.

Understand why the Japanese are dumb and not smart

That is, to consider a person dumb or not will depend on our point of view. In your opinion, what makes a person stupid? Do you think the Japanese are dumb or smart? What aspects of intelligence do you most appreciate in a person?

In this article we talk about the Japanese, but all cultures exist superficiality, futility and stupidity. What about other countries or Brazilians? Have you ever stopped to do a self-analysis on our attitudes? Am I being irrational?

If you liked this line of reasoning, don't forget to share and leave your comments regarding these questions we mentioned now. We also recommend reading other articles on our website.

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