How to find out the name of anime, dramas and series?

Do you want to find out the name of an anime, drama or series but don't know how? Have only one image? Do you remember just a few things from the work? In this article we'll share tips on how you can find out, including our tool that finds out for you using Artificial Intelligence. 

There are several different techniques to find out the name of an anime, whether by image, music, character names, character characteristics, year of release, etc. Although the focus is anime, you can use the strategies in this article with series, dramas, manga, games and others.

Finding the name of the anime by an image

You usually look for the name of a certain anime when you find an interesting image on social media, but no one says the name. There are several ways to know the name of an anime by the images.

If you use the google chrome browser, just right-click and choose the option Search Image on Google. By doing this, you will come across several websites citing the source of this image.

Just select the anime images by browsing google image, until you see some reference or name of the anime present on the pages with the image or even in the description of the image on Google.

How to find out the name of anime, dramas and series?

If you use another browser, you can search Google for As "myanimelist" is a specific platform, it's typically not translated to other languages. that these sites perform the same function as the Chrome browser. Perhaps the other browser also offers an extension for this.

if you use Telegram, you can send the image to some of the bots below that perform the same function:

  • @WhatAnimeBot – Allows you to find the anime and episode of an image;
  • @YaMelodyBot - Discover song names;
  • @reversesearchbot - Do a reverse image search;

Finding the name of the anime by Akinator

Another way to find out the name of an anime, series and movie or even the name of a character is using Akinator. If you vaguely remember the character, just answer the questions and come up with an answer.

The Akinator is a site where a genius asks questions based on variables to get the character you're thinking about right. It usually displays the character's name along with the anime's name.

Maybe he doesn't mention the name of the anime. In these cases, just search for the character's name on Google. He can also end up making mistakes sometimes if he is a very unknown character.

How to find out the name of anime, dramas and series?

Finding the name with little information

If you want to remember the name of the anime for little information, you may need to do a long navigation on informative sites like animelist, wikipedia and other databases.

I remember that I used to listen to a song a lot in my childhood called Hey Ya! Unfortunately this song got lost and I didn't know its name at all at 16, but I really wanted to know.

Unfortunately I couldn't find the name of the music by the lyrics for miswriting the chorus and phrases that I remembered from the song. I just knew that this song was the subject of an annual Nickelodeon event.

I searched year by year on the Wikipedia pages of the Kids' Choice Awards event, until I found the name of the song. Hey Ya! – Outkast. It was a great pleasure to find the name of this song.

How to find out the name of anime, dramas and series?

If you know the year the anime was released, you can look it up on myanimelist. If you remember the studio the anime was shown on, you can look it up on the studio's wikipedia page, or do a search by genre.

Any information you have may be relevant to finding the name of the anime, series or drama. Both have a webpage with information that you can filter and find using google.

I've already found anime names by typing some features in English on Google. Maybe this can help you! The information in English is much greater than the information in English.

The article is still halfway through, but we recommend also reading:

Utilizing Our Artificial Intelligence

Below you can tell the artificial intelligence some things you remember in the anime to see if it can suggest correct anime that are related to the spoken items. 

Our tool uses ChatGPT 3.5 API, you can also try using other artificial intelligences if you are not getting the desired result. 

Ask for help in an online community

Today it is easy to remember the name of an anime, series or drama. If none of the above alternatives helped you to remember the name of the work, just ask for help online through social media groups and online forums.

I noticed that many turn to Yahoo Answers, others look on facebook or youtube channel. No matter the case, never give up on finding the work you're looking for, but don't remember.

I hope the tips in this article are enough to help you remember and find the name of an anime or series that you've forgotten about. You can use the tips in this article with anything.

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