Japan Social Aid and Benefits


Per Sabrina

All countries have some form of social benefit that is the right of every common citizen. There are social benefits aimed at workers such as retirement and benefits that help people with greater needs.

In Japan they pay more attention to providing the necessary help for the country's children. Therefore, they are also concerned with benefiting all people who meet the due requirements.

Let's get to know some benefits that are common to Japanese people and also the benefits that foreign people can receive such services.

Kamagasaki - all about the largest slum in Japan

Japanese Pension System

Every citizen who dedicates years to work to support himself and move the country's economy hopes that when he reaches a certain age or in unforeseen circumstances that make him stand still, he can receive a value to help during that time.

In Japan, for a citizen to be entitled to retirement benefits, whether by age, disability, time of contribution, or special retirement, it is necessary for them to have knowledge of the Shakai Hoken.

Shakai hoken – japan social insurance

The Shakai Hoken is a mandatory insurance for everyone aged between twenty and sixty years. By paying for this insurance, the person can retire if they meet any of the essential requirements.

Foreigners have these same rights with respect to retirement.

The Pension System in Japan is divided into two Regimes: The Kousei Nenkin and the Kiko Nenin.

In Kousei Nenkin anyone can contribute, even if they are not employed at the moment.

As for Kiko Nenin, it serves as a basic pension aimed solely at workers.

Social aids and benefits in Japan

Other aids for the well-being of the population

Here in Brazil, social benefits are many and each one is aimed at specific groups such as women, students, 低所得, among others.

In Japan there are also aids that only specific people can access. There are at least nine benefits in favor of the population.

Japanese Aid for Children

- Kodomo Teate (child aid): This benefit is intended for guardians who have school-age children. Contributes to the healthy development of the child.

– Jido Fuyo Teate (child-raising aid): this aid is for cases where a parent or other guardian is having difficulty raising a child due to divorce, death, or physical illness. The person responsible for the child receiving the aid.

Social aids and benefits in Japan

– Jido Fukushi Teate (Child Welfare Aid): the person responsible for the child receives an allowance if the parents have separated, for some reason the child only has one of the two or serious health problems.

- Iji Teate (orphan child support): this benefit goes to the person responsible for taking care of the orphaned child until the age of fifteen.

– Shogaiji Fugushi Teate (disabled child welfare assistance): this meets the needs of the child who needs special care. The person who receives the amount is responsible for the child.

Social aids and benefits in Japan

Other Japanese Aids

– Boshikafu Fukushi Shikin (Single Mother/Widow Welfare Aid Funding): the aid helps the woman with her daily expenses and, based on the circumstances in which she lives, she can go through other financing such as studies, internships, doctors, among others.

- Kigo Hoken (elderly care insurance): This is more of a service than just an aid, as the elderly who are enrolled for this care receive help from caregivers for whom most of the expenses are covered by insurance. These services are divided into two categories:

Itaku Service this is when a home assistant helps the elderly with household chores and other needs that the elderly person may have. Shisetsu Service It is used for elderly people in hospital conditions.

Respect for elders

- Seikatsu Hogo (living aid): this aid is aimed at low-income families who, due to illness, cannot support themselves. This aid helps with education, housing, medical treatment, special care and more.

- Seikatsu Shikin (financing cost of living assistance): the financing covers those who have financial difficulties and it is possible to finance Social Assistance (Shakai Fukushi Shikin) and Life Assistance (Seikatsu Fukushi Shikin).

To have access to the mentioned benefits, you just need to get information from social assistance, check if you meet the requirements and bring the necessary documentation. To receive them, you also need to be registered with the city hall.

When the beneficiaries change their circumstances so that they are no longer part of the groups that are entitled, the aid is cut. The values may also vary according to the situation of each family.

Social aids and benefits in Japan

The importance of these benefits for Japan

The social benefits in general aim to maintain a good economy for the country. As long as the population is moving money, studying will reflect on the way the nation is seen.

This financial movement is what generates employment and more benefits for those in need.

These aids help families not to live in 極貧 and give everyone the opportunity to study and find work.

Kamagasaki - all about the largest slum in Japan

In Japan they value education a lot, they are even known for having a very strict education. That's why most of the benefits are aimed at school-age children.

And have you heard of some of these benefits from Japan? Do you have any that you would like to have in Brazil?

Meaning and Definition: kamotsu