How to watch One Piece faster

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One Piece is without a doubt one of the best anime ever made, but unfortunately it has a problem that prevents the vast majority from watching it. In addition to the gigantic number of episodes, it is full of recaps, flashbacks, unnecessary nonsense, etc. So how can you watch One Piece quickly? Do you know One Pace?

Despite few fillers, the anime invents specials and recap episodes that can stress anyone out. Honestly, if One Piece weren't released weekly, the number of episodes could be reduced by more than half.

The objective of this artigo is to help you watch One Piece quickly with some interesting tips and compartaking some projects like One Pace that aim to reduce and reduce unnecessary things without affecting the experience.

How to watch One Piece faster

How did I watch One Piece?

Flashbacks and rewinds can be useful for those who follow weekly and want to remember what happened last week, but for those who have recently marathoned it can be complicated.

I started watching One Piece after the Live Action series in January 2024, and I finished Wano on the day I write this artigo July 1, 2024. It was quick, practically 6 months, but this was possible by skipping all the related films and episodes and some fillers, specials and summaries.

I didn't watch One Piece nonstop, I usually watched 1 to 3 episodes a day, and when it got interesting I could marathon about 10 episodes. I skipped all the openings and recaps, I also skipped unnecessary flashbacks.

Despite the slowness of some fights, the anime was very comfortable to watch and became one of my favorites, if not my favorite anime (despite the excitement when watching it).

How to watch One Piece faster

How long does it take to watch One Piece?

Watching “One Piece” is a significant commitment due to its long running time. The anime series began airing in 1999 and continues to this day. The amount of time needed to watch all episodes depends on the current number of episodes available and how much time you can dedicate each day. Let's calculate an estimate based on some common numbers:

The calculation will be carried out using the average of 1070 episodes. That's enough to finish Wano and even half of EggHead (recent arcs) if you skip the numbers of recap episodes, specials and fillers.

Estimated Time Based on Daily Hours

Taking into account that each episode is around 19 minutes apart from abertures and recaps, we can come to the conclusion that it is possible to watch 3 episodes per hour, arriving at the following calculations:

  • 1 hour a day: It would take approximately 339 days, or about 11 months.
  • 2 hours a day: It would take about 170 days, or approximately 5.5 months.
  • 4 hours per day: It would take about 85 days, or approximately 3 months.
  • 8 hours a day: It would take about 42 days, or approximately 1.5 months.
How to watch One Piece faster

One Pace - Fan Project

One Pace is a fan project dedicated to restructuring the “One Piece” anime series, which is known for its long episodes and often filled with additional material not found in the original manga. This project aims to create a more faithful version of the manga, removing fillers, recaps and excessive lengthening, resulting in shorter and more concise episodes, which closely follow the rhythm and narrative of the original material.

One Pace's main goal is to improve the “One Piece” viewing experience for fans by focusing on the main story without the distractions of fillers (episodes or segments of episodes that are not in the manga) and other extensions that are often used to maintain the anime aligned with the manga's release rhythm.

How it works

  • Episode Selection: Episodes from the original anime are selected and analyzed.
  • Corte of Fillers: Filler segments and unnecessary recaps are removed.
  • Reissue and Restructuring: The remaining partes are re-edited and restructured to follow the manga's narrative more directly.
  • Release: Re-edited episodes are made available for download on specific platforms, often supported by fans.

The project is available in English, Spanish, Portuguese and several other languages. Some languages do not have all episodes available yet.

How to watch One Piece faster

The article is still halfway through, but we recommend also reading:

Is it worth watching the One Piece summary movies?

Another alternative is to watch summary films. These films condense entire arcs into a feature-length format, providing an overview of key events. However, there are advantages and disadvantages to consider.

I personally don't recommend watching the summary films without having watched the anime first. It is not for those who want to see the anime from the beginning, they are more of a reminder of what fans watched decades ago. Cortados details and changes can ruin the entire experience of watching the anime.

One Piece: Episode of East Blue

  • Roof: Episodes from the beginning of the series until arrival at the Grand Line.
  • Differences: It condenses several episodes into a film lasting about two hours.
  • Problems: Can cortar important details and character development.

One Piece: Episode of Skypiea

  • Roof: Skypiea Arc.
  • Differences: Summary of the complete arc, focusing on the main battles.
  • Problems: May omit world-building elements and detailed interactions.

One Piece: Episode of Alabasta

  • Roof: Alabasta Arch.
  • Differences: It condenses the arc into a film lasting approximately two hours.
  • Problems: Some subplots and character development can be left aside.

One Piece: Episode of Chopper Plus - Bloom in the Winter, Miracle Sakura

  • Roof: Drum Island arc with some changes.
  • Differences: Retells Chopper's arc with significant changes.
  • Problems: Significant differences from the original story.

One Piece: Episode of Merry

  • Roof: History of the Going Merry, from its construction to its farewell.
  • Differences: Focuses exclusively on the ship Merry and her adventures with the crew.
  • Problems: Omits many side events to focus on Merry's story.

One Piece: Episode of Sabo

  • Roof: Luffy and Sabo reunion in Dressrosa.
  • Differences: Focuses on Sabo's perspective and his story.
  • Problems: Reduces the complexity of Dressrosa's bow.
How to watch One Piece faster

One Piece Filler Episodes

Below we have a list of possible filler episodes and their information and summary so you can read without having to watch:

Apis Adventure Arc (Episodes 54-61)

1. Episode 54-61: The crew encounters a girl named Apis who has the ability to talk to dragons. They help a dragon named Ryuuji return to his home island, facing off against the Navy in the process.

Post-Alabasta Arc (Episodes 131-135)

2. Episode 131-135: Episodes focused on the backstories of each crew member. While they provide some character development, they do not affect the main plot.

Ruluka Island Arc (Episodes 136-138)

3. Episode 136-138: The crew arrives on Ruluka Island, where a former pirate rules tyrannically. They help locals freertarem from their dominance.

Rainbow Mist Arc (Episodes 139-143)

4. Episode 139-143: The crew enters “Rainbow Island” and finds an ancient spaceship. They fight a group of pirates and try to solve the island's mystery.

G-8 Arc (Episodes 196-206)

5. Episode 196-206: The crew crash lands on a Marine base called G-8 and must find a way to escape without being captured.

Ocean's Dream Adventure Arc (Episodes 220-224)

6. Episode 220-224: A strange event causes the crew to lose their memories. They must recover their memories and find out who is behind the incident.

Foxy's Ambition Arc (Episodes 225-228)

8. Episodes 225-228: The crew encounters Foxy and his pirates again.

How to watch One Piece faster

Ice Hunter's Dream Arc (Episodes 326-335)

11. Episodes 326-335: The crew faces the Ice Hunters, a group of bounty hunters who freeze their prey. They help the locals reclaim their land and face various ice traps.

Little Spa Island Arc (Episodes 382-384)

10. Episodes 382-384: The crew arrives at Spa Island, a floating resort. They help two brothers recover their father's diary and face the Foxy brothers again.

Friend Arc (Episodes 426-429)

12. Episodes 426-429: These episodes are a crossover with “Toriko”. Luffy's crew and the protagonist of “Toriko” come together to participate in a banquet and face giant creatures.

Silver Mine Arc (Episodes 747-750)

14. Episodes 747-750: Luffy and Bartolomeo are captured by Bill, the leader of the Silver Mine. They need to escape their fortaleza and face Bill, who has the ability to manipulate silver.

Nebula Island Arc (Episodes 751-752)

15. Episodes 751-752: The crew is caught in a mysterious fog and ends up on Nebula Island, where they face strange creatures and help the locals resolve a conflict.

Rikkai Arc (Episodes 780-782)

16. Episodes 780-782: Luffy's crew helps protect a village that is being attacked by pirates as they take a break from their journey to Whole Cake Island.

Cider Arc (Episodes 895-896)

17. Episodes 895-896: Luffy and Hancock join forces to rescue their friends captured by Cidra Guild, a criminal organization that kidnaps people to enslave them.

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