Asians and their ASCII arts - Artes in text


Per Kevin

You probably know the ASCII text Art  maybe you saw someone post one on their Facebook page or a comment, or received it via email or text message. Yes, we are talking about the Giant Emoticons made in text.

A ASCII art is a form of artistic expression using only the characters available in computer code page tables. (ASCII, English abbreviation for American Standard Code for Information Exchange). Before computers, there was already a similar art made with typewriters. However, as there are more characters available on computers, this form of artistic expression has risen in order to become more elaborate and with a more refined aesthetic concern.

The Japanese tend to dedicate a lot to this art, and create text illustrations of characters from anime, manga and the like.

I wanted to paste some examples in text into our article, but the site's text font doesn't allow it. So I will leave some external links to sites where you can find these arts and share with friends.


ASCIII Art Editor

Of course, as technology advances, it is no longer necessary to create text art by simply typing the text. These days it's easy with thousands of editors. With these editors you make a drawing as if it were in Paint, and it will transform it into characters for you to copy and share with your friends.

To access the ASCIIFlow Infinity online editor click here.

Asians and their ASCII arts - artes in text

Finally, for the less experienced, we recommend this ASCII Art text generator, click here to access.

 ______  _____  _____  ___  ____   _____   ______   ________   ______  _____  _____  
.' ____ |_   _||_   _||_  ||_  _| |_   _| |_   _ `.|_   __  |.' ____ |_   _||_   _| 
| (___ _| | |    | |    | |_/ /     | |     | | `. | |_ _|| (___ _| | |    | |   
 _.____`. | '    ' |    |  __'.    | |     | |  | | |  _| _  _.____`. | '    ' |   
| ____) |   __/ /    _| |   _  _| |_   _| |_.' /_| |__/ || ____) |   __/ /    
 ______.'   `.__.'    |____||____||_____| |______.'|________| ______.'   `.__.'     

You should also know the Kaomoji facial emoticons written with characters. We wrote an article about them that you can read clicking here.

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