Ai to Yuuki no Pig Girl Tonde Buurin - Information

On this page, we present all the information, trivia, spoilers, summaries, main characters, and any other questions one might have regarding the anime: Ai to Yuuki no Pig Girl Tonde Buurin. See how to watch online!

Ai to Yuuki no Pig Girl Tonde Buurin

Synopsis: "Look! In the sky ... it's a bird ... it's a plane ... is it super pig?!"

A fateful day, Karin, a high -level student, discovered what she thought was a hurt piglet. However, the piglet was exhausted from hunger. After the piglet recovered his health by eating Karin's apple, he revealed that he is a prince, Tonrararia III, from a planet named Boininging. Tonrararia wanted to reward Karin for helping him, so he turned her into a superpowe pig. Karin was not satisfied with the gift because he wanted to become a super -heroi like "Cutey Chao" (a cute honey parody), not super pig. Reluctantly, she was more interested in her Super Pig role when she found out she can turn to someone like "Cutey Chao" if she can collect 108 pearls doing good deeds for others.

Table of Content
- Information
- Trailer/OP
- Curiosities
- Manga and Products
- Characters
- Summary
- Games, OVAs, Movies
- Meaning
- Related


See below all important information about the anime: Ai to Yuuki no Pig Girl Tonde Buurin

Anime Names

  • Anime Name: Ai to Yuuki no Pig Girl Tonde Buurin
  • Anime Name in Japanese: 愛と勇気のピッグガール とんでぶーりん
  • Anime Name in English: Super Pig
  • Other names: Ai to Yuki no Piggu Garu Tonde Burin, Boorin, Super Boink, Tonde Buurin - Pig Girl of Love and Courage

Production information

  • Producers: Desconhecido
  • Licensors: Saban Entertainment
  • Studios: Nippon Animation

Anime Information

  • Type: TV
  • Episodes: 51
  • Date: September 3, 1994 - August 26, 1995 - Saturdays in 1800 (JST)
  • Genres: Adventure, comedy, fantasy, romance
  • Subjects: Parody, school
  • Target: Shoujo

Anime Reviews

  • note: 6.671
  • Popularity: 4550

Video Trailer/Opening

If available, a video of the anime opening or trailer will be displayed below:

  • Name: Ai to Yuuki no Pig Girl Tonde Buurin Trailer/OP
  • Cover:
  • Date: 2023-06-29T08:04:21-03:00
  • Curiosities

    Below is the main curiosities of the anime "Ai to Yuuki no Pig Girl Tonde Buurin": 

    • The anime is based on a manga of the same name created by Taeko Ikeda.
    • The series was produced in celebration of TV Asahi's 50th anniversary.
    • The original name of the anime is "Ai to Yūki in Buruburu ōkoku" which means "The Tile Kingdom of Love and Courage."
    • The protagonist, Karin Kokubu, is voiced by Mariko Kouda, who is also known for voicing the character Usagi Tsukino/Sailor Moon in the classic series of Sailor Moon.
    • The anime was shown in Brazil by the extinct Manchete Rede in 1997 with the title "Super Pig".
    • The opening theme song of the anime, "Love and Courage," is sung by Satoko Shimonari, who is also known for singing the opening theme song of another anime series, "Kodomo no Omocha."

    Manga and Products from Ai to Yuuki no Pig Girl Tonde Buurin

    If you wish to acquire the volumes of the manga, Light Novel, DB, games, artbooks or any other product related to the anime Ai to Yuuki no Pig Girl Tonde Buurin Let's leave recommendations below.

    The recommendations are from trusted stores like Amazon. We have separated the products. Ai to Yuuki no Pig Girl Tonde Buurin that are on sale and popular. You can search and buy from different regions.

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    Main Characters

    Below is the main characters of: "Ai to Yuuki no Pig Girl Tonde Buurin"With your voice actors and a brief description of the character: 

    • Karin Kokubu (Yuko Miyamura) - A high school student who turns into a flying nut to help save the animal world.

    Summary and events

    1. Karin Kokubu is a high school student who inherits the power to turn into a flying pig named Buurin.
    2. She is chosen by the god of pigs to become the defender of justice and fight evil.
    3. Karin begins to use his powers to help people in his city, but keep his identity secret.
    4. She falls in love with a classmate named Tondekeman, who is also a disguised superhero.
    5. Karin and Tondekeman fight together against the main villain, a crazy scientist named Akihiro.
    6. Akihiro creates a giant robot to destroy the city, but Karin and Tondekeman manage to defeat him.
    7. In the end, Karin and Tondekeman confess their feelings for each other and decide to continue fighting together as superheroes.

    What happens in the end?

    In "Ai to Yuuki no Pig Girl Tonde Buurin," the anime adaptation concludes with a closed ending. At the end of the series, Karin Kokubu, the protagonist, and the pig transformed into a human, Buurin, finally manage to fulfill Karin's wish of becoming a princess. They defeat the villain and live happily ever after. The anime faithfully follows the story of the original manga, which also has a conclusive ending.


    See below the list of games available for different platforms related to anime: Ai to Yuuki no Pig Girl Tonde Buurin

    • Ai to Yuuki no Pig Girl Tonde Buurin (Super Famicom)
    • Ai to Yuuki no Pig Girl Tonde Buurin: Tonde Daisakusen Konami (PlayStation)

    See below a list of OVAs, Specials, and Movies related to anime: Ai to Yuuki no Pig Girl Tonde Buurin

    Coming Soon!

    The list may not contain all games, movies, OVAs, or specials. The work may also have not received any extras or be unavailable.

    Meaning of Ai to Yuuki no Pig Girl Tonde Buurin

    Let's look at the translation of each word and explanation of the anime's name: 

    愛と勇気のピッグガール とんでぶーりん
    • 愛 (ai) - love
    • 勇気 (yuuki) - courage
    • ピッグガガル (Pigguggrara) - Girl Nut
    • とんでぶりんりん (Tonde Būrin) - Flying with Būrin
    The name of the anime, "愛と勇気のピッグガルとんでぶとんでぶとんでぶりん", can be translated as "girl flying with love and courage". The story follows the main character, a girl named Mimi, who is transformed into a nut by a spell. She needs to find a way to break the spell and be human again while facing various challenges and learns valuable lessons about love and courage. The character Būrin is a magical pig that helps Mimi on his journey.

    See below some anime similar to Ai to Yuuki no Pig Girl Tonde Buurin

    See also related articles


    See below some external links like official website and MyAnimeList link:

    FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

    Ai to Yuuki no Pig Girl Tonde Buurin has a total of 51 episodes. This number may not represent all seasons.
    You can watch the anime Ai to Yuuki no Pig Girl Tonde Buurin on Crunchyroll, Netflix, or any other streaming site where the work is available. Availability will depend on your current location.
    The decision to produce new seasons of the anime Ai to Yuuki no Pig Girl Tonde Buurin usually depends on various factors, such as DVD/Blu-ray sales, merchandise, popularity of the original material. This information can be found throughout the page. The anime's popularity reached on "MyAnimeList" the following number of members: 4550