50 Japanese surnames with strange, rare, and uncommon meanings

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Have you ever wondered what are the most unusual surnames in Japan? Those rare and strange names with bizarre and funny meanings? We have prepared a list of the 50 rarest surnames in Japan, some with only 20 people.

Japanese surnames have a long history, as they reflect characteristics or locality of families since their formation. Nowadays, it is common to have repeated surnames, but in some rare occasions we can find unique surnames.

We recommend reading: List of Japanese surnames 200+ Origin and Meanings

50 Japanese surnames with strange, rare, and unusual meanings

The origin of unique and uncommon Japanese surnames

Japanese surnames, although strange, can have a story related to the person's work. Their family may have originally worked as hairdressers or in salt production.

In addition to occupations, many Japanese surnames have geographical origins or are based on natural characteristics of the region where the family lived. For example, names like "水溜" (Mizutame) indicate a proximity to water reservoirs, while "昆布" (Kombu) suggests a connection to the harvesting of seaweed, common in coastal areas.

Other surnames, such as "白髪" (Shiraga) and "禿" (Hage), are physical descriptions that could have been nicknames based on an ancestor's appearance, such as white hair or baldness.

In addition, some surnames are deeply influenced by cultural and historical elements. Names like "大仏" (Daibutsu) reflect a connection with large Buddha statues, possibly indicating an association with Buddhist temples. Surnames like "八月一日" (Hozumi), which literally means "first of August," may have roots in significant events or festivals held on that date.

Other names, such as "満月" (Mangetsu), meaning "full moon," have a poetic origin, possibly related to events or natural features observed and appreciated by their ancestors.

The 50 rarest and strangest last names in Japan

  1. 毛受 (Menjo, Mozu) - Hair receiver, 1,200 people
  2. 塩 (Shio) - Salt, 990 people
  3. 白髪 (Shiraga) - White hair, 880 people
  4. 文字 (Moji) - Letter, character, 790 people
  5. 鉄 (Tetsu) - Iron, 770 people
  6. 水溜 (Mizutame) - Water reservoir, 740 people
  7. 和歌 (Waka) - Japanese poem, 500 people
  8. 二股 (Futamata) - Fork, 440 people
  9. 髭 (Hige) - Beard, mustache, 420 people
  10. 幸福 (Kōfuku) - Happiness, 410 people
  11. 鴇 (Toki) - Japanese Ibis, 390 people
  12. 禿 (Hage) - Bald, 390 people
  13. 取違 (Toritagai) - Wrong exchange, 370 people
  14. 百足 (Mukade) - Centipede, 360 people
  15. 明治 (Meiji) - Name of the Meiji era, 290 people
  16. 燕 (Tsubame) - Swallow, 260 people
  17. 和食 (Washoku) - Japanese food, 240 people
  18. 見学 (Kengaku) - Study visit, 210 people
  19. 法華津 (Hokkezu) - Unknown, 200 people
  20. 今度 (Kondo) - Next time, 200 people
  21. 大仏 (Daibutsu) - Great Buddha, 170 people
  22. 留守 (Rusu) - Absence, away from home, 170 people
  23. 昆布 (Kombu) - Seaweed used in cooking, 150 people
  24. 浮気 (Uwaki) - Infidelity, 150 people
  25. 満月 (Mangetsu) - Full moon, 140 people
  26. 味噌 (Miso) - Fermented soy paste, 130 people
  27. 胡麻 (Goma) - Sesame seeds, 130 people
  28. 毛穴 (Keana) - Poros, 130 people
  29. 洪水 (Kōzui) - Flood, 120 people
  30. 先生 (Sensei) - Professor, 110 people
  31. 満足 (Manzoku) - Satisfaction, 90 people
  32. 八月一日 (Hozumi) - First of August (peculiar reading) - 80 people
  33. 父母 (Fubo) - Country, 80 people
  34. 時計 (Tokei) - Watch, 60 people
  35. 国宝 (Kokuhō) - National treasure, 60 people
  36. 可愛 (Kawai) - Lovely, 50 people
  37. 大蜘蛛 (Ōkumo) - Great spider, 50 people
  38. 出会 (Deai) - Meeting, 50 people
  39. 指輪 (Yubiwa) - Ring, 40 people
  40. 祭 (Matsuri) - Festival, 30 people
  41. 記録 (Kiroku) - Register, 30 people
  42. 途中 (Tochū) - On the way, 30 people
  43. 秀吉 (Hideyoshi) - Historical proper name (Toyotomi Hideyoshi) - 30 people
  44. 砂糖 (Satō) - Sugar, 30 people
  45. 鼻毛 (Hanage) - Nose hair, 30 people
  46. 御薬袋 (Mikuburo) - Medicine bag, 30 people
  47. 川童 (Kawatarō) - Kappa (mythological aquatic creature) - 30 people
  48. 回り道 (Mawari Michi) - Detour, 20 people
  49. 微笑 (Hohoemi) - Smile, 20 people
  50. 醤油 (Shōyu) - Soy sauce, 20 people

The ranking of this article was published by Myoji-yurai.net and on this website you will find not only the Ranking, but also the origin of each name, where people with these names are located, and other interesting information.

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