Nigiri Sushi Recipes and curiosities

On this page you will learn the recipe and some information about the Japanese dish Nigiri Sushi Also known as Nigiri-zushi.

Table of Content
- About
- Origin
- Information
- Ingredients
- Preparation
- Related

All about Nigiri-zushi

Nigiri sushi is one of the most popular dishes in Japanese cuisine, being known for its simplicity and unique flavor. This dish consists of a small portion of roasted rice with rice vinegar, covered with a piece of raw fish or seafood. Though it seems simple, the preparation of nigiri sushi requires a lot of technique and skill.

The rice used in nigiri sushi is a specific type, called short grain Japanese rice. It is cooked with rice vinegar, sugar and salt, resulting in a sweet taste and characteristic acid. In addition, the rice is molded in a rectangular shape so that it can be easily held with the fingers.

The choice of fish or seafood is equally important in the preparation of nigiri sushi. It is necessary that it is fresh and of high quality, so that the taste and texture are the best possible. The most common types of fish used are salmon, tuna, shrimp and powder, but it is also possible to find variations with other seafood, such as oysters and oysters.

To assemble the nigiri sushi, the fish is cut into thin slices and placed on the rice, with the help of a little wasabi (strong Japanese root paste) to give a touch of flavor and help fix the fish on the rice.

One of the most striking features of nigiri sushi is the presentation. Japanese chefs are known for their ability to make visually attractive dishes and this is not different with nigiri sushi. Fish slices are carefully arranged on the rice, creating a colorful and appetizing dish.

Nigiri sushi can be served as an entry, accompaniment or even as a main dish. In addition, you can find vegetarian variations using ingredients such as tofu, omelette or canned vegetables. In any case, it is a delicious and healthy option for those who enjoy Japanese cuisine.

In short, nigiri sushi is a dish that represents the simplicity and elegance of Japanese cuisine. With fresh, high-quality ingredients, prepared with technique and precision, it is possible to taste an explosion of flavors and textures in each bite. If you have not tried it yet, don't miss the opportunity to try this traditional and tasty dish.

Nigiri Sushi

Origin and history of Nigiri Sushi

Nigiri sushi is a typical dish of Japanese cuisine, consisting of a piece of rice tempered with vinegar, covered with slices of raw fish or seafood. Its origin dates back to the nineteenth century, when it was sold in small street bars in Tokyo. Over time, nigiri sushi became popular and became one of the most well-known and appreciated dishes around the world. It is considered a form of art because it requires skill and precision to prepare and present the ingredients in a harmonious and balanced way. In addition, the use of fresh and high-quality seafood and fish is essential to ensure the taste and quality of the dish. Today, there are various variations of nigiri sushi, but its essence and tradition remain, making it a symbol of Japanese culture and gastronomy.

About the recipe

  • Name of the plate: Nigiri Sushi
  • Name of the dish in English: Nigiri sushi
  • Name of the plate in Japanese: 握り寿司
  • Name of the Romanian dish: Nigiri-zushi

Information about preparation

  • Time to prepare: 20 minutes
  • Time of Cooking: 30 minutes
  • Difficulty: SIMPLE
  • It suits: 1 people
  • Occasions: Main meals, side dishes

Ingredients – Ingredients

Check out the necessary and optional ingredients Nigiri SushiIt makes sense to improvise

  • Nigiri Sushi
  • 320g of rice for sushi
  • 80ml of sushi vinegar
  • Algae Nori
  • Tagged with sushi nigiri
  • Pasta of Wasabi
  • Soda of Soja
  • Conserves for sushi
  • Fresh raw fish, such as salmon, tuna or yellow (optional)
  • Smoked salmon (optional)
  • Catering room (optional)
  • Cooked Powder or Lula (optional)
  • Eel Grilled (optional)
  • Toughened Laminated Safety Glass (optional)
  • Japanese style Tamagoyaki omelette (optional)
  • Avoidance (optional)
  • Shitake mushrooms (optional)

Note: Ideas for sushi nigiri covers are optional and can be selected according to the taste and availability of ingredients of the chef.

Watch a video of the recipe:

YouTube video

Recipes - How to Prepare

Now that you know the ingredients to make the recipe Nigiri Sushi. Follow the instructions below in the preparation mode or step by step.

Preparation of Nigiri Sushi

First, we should prepare the sushi rice that will be used. For this, you can follow an online recipe to make Japanese rice sticky and add sushi vinegar to turn it into sushi rice. Another option is to use a rice pot, which makes the process faster and easier. Just mix 250g of cooked rice with 1 tablespoon of sushi rice vinegar.

While rice is cooking, it’s time to prepare sushi covers. You can use fish slices, vegetables or other options, such as the delicious Japanese omelette Tamagoyaki. If you don’t want to use raw fish, you can try other options, such as smoked salmon, parma juice, fried tofu, shiitake mushrooms, picles, sun-dried tomatoes or avocado. It’s not necessary that the slices are accurate, just cover most of the rice slice and have sufficient thickness to ensure the taste.

With wet hands in a mixture of water and sushi vinegar, it is possible to shape the rice molds. For ease, one can use a sushi nigiri mold, placing the rice uniformly inside, pressing the lid, turning the mold and pressing the rice out.

Then it is time to mount the Nigiri. To give a touch of burning, you can add a little wasabi to the bottom of the blanket. With wet hands, press the blanket firmly on the rice bowl. Some ingredients, such as Tamagoyaki, can be wrapped in a thin strip of Nori algae to prevent the blanket from falling. To serve, it is traditional to use a small wasabi paste and a dish of soy sauce. Mix a little wasabi with soy sauce and soak sushi before eating. Conserved ginger is consumed between bites to clean the palate and enjoy the different flavors of the blankets best.

A few important words:

  • For raw fish coverings, it is essential to buy in reliable stores that sell own fish for sashimi.
  • It is not recommended to use common supermarket salmon, which is intended for cooking.
  • Use a sharp knife to cut the fish at a 45° angle.
  • And finally, try different covers and flavors until you find your favorite ones.