Planning Your Trip to Japan: Next Stop Japan

Have you ever thought about traveling to Japan or other countries with a great plan? Without spending too much? This is the difficulty of many people, who sometimes do not speak the language, do not understand much about the internet or have no idea how to plan and find the best prices and opportunities. In this article I would like to talk about Next Stop Japan, a project that my friend Marina Tsuge created in order to help people plan their trips, mainly to Japan.

Some, when planning their trip to Japan, end up resorting to travel agencies or exchange programs that usually charge absurd over 15 thousand for just 10 days of travel in 5 cities. I planned my trip alone, as I have a lot of knowledge about Japan and the internet, I was able to spend 10,000, stay 30 days and visit 13 cities.

Unfortunately, many do not understand travel at all, think it is too expensive or are unable to take the first steps. My friend Marina Tsuge entered this branch of the internet to help people who wish to travel to Japan or other places by creating Next Stop Japan.

Next stop Japan - planning your trip to Japan

What is Next Stop Japan?

Next Stop Japan is a Short + Kit made up of 10 modules with video classes 100% online. The goal of Next Stop Japan is to teach techniques and travel planning that can be applied to any destination. The other half of the course will immerse you in Japan, and support you with tools that will save you time.

The course uses the 2trip methodology which consists of doubling the travel experience. With the course you will learn, plan and carry out your trip in a different and unique way. Marina Tsuge promises that you will save up to 40% on travel expenses and double your experience.

The course is divided into 2, one part is focused on teaching the 2trip methodology that suits any destination, and another part is focused on Japan. You can buy only the part focused on any destination and also a complete package with other bonuses and opportunities . Let's list the content below:

Next Stop modules

  1. Detachment zone - It will help you to forget beliefs like money, language, time and negativity;
  2. Principles of a mind the g4ap - connection, presence, experience and etc;
  3. Takeoff plan - 4D technique, social commitment, forms and methods of research, organization;
  4. Anatomy of the trip - History, tips, travel, accommodation and ticket data and tool;
  5. Documents, virtuous circle of money, thinking outside the box;

Next stop Japan - planning your trip to Japan

Next Stop Japan modules

  1. North to South Japan - Addressing system, accommodation, public transport;
  2. Best Destinations that cannot be missed, tools, hip idea;
  3. Costs of the trip to Japan + financial control tool;
  4. Deep inside - Deep dive into the culture and etiquette of Japan;
  5. Secret Module;

Bonuses and Extras

  • Money how to use: a mini-course + hangout with Ana Munhoz, financial education specialist;
  • Tokyo 2020: a mini-course with all the tips and information about this mega event that will invade Japan, for those who want to enjoy the event as well as for those who want to become Olympic volunteers;
  • Destination Hunter: a course elaborated with all the care to turn the student into a true destination hunter;
  • Tsuge's Voyage - The Japan Travel Experience: An Exclusive, All-New E-Book! In it Marina brings the perspective of the travel experience;
  • Hyper productivity Samurai: a set of 4 hangouts;

Is it worth buying the Next Stop Japan?

Matina Tsuge offers 3 purchase options for all budgets, which makes the offer irresistible. With a low investment you are already able to learn the mind the g4ap, 4D methodology and all the principles and techniques to plan your trip to any country. If your destination is Japan, I believe that the investment in the complete KIT is a low value.

Next stop Japan - planning your trip to Japan

Imagine that you save 40% on your trip thanks to Marina Tsuge and still double your experience? The price you spent on the course will be negligible. If you go to a travel agent or hire some random service to help with your trip, you will probably spend more than the cost of this course.

I can't get all this information for free on the internet? I believe not, since the information provided by Marina Tsuge is of her own authorship. Of course, travel techniques and tips are everywhere on the internet, but they are not curated and organized, sometimes they are in another language or very hidden.

Why does a person buy a Japanese course? Is there no free Japanese learning material on the internet? Not everyone has the facility to search and read information on the internet, many need a mentor. Many buy an online course for ease, because alternative options and competitions will always exist.

Next stop Japan - planning your trip to Japan

It is clear that the Next Stop Japan It will only be worth it if you apply and use the method taught. There's no point in buying anything online and then not using it. There are no magic formulas that will do everything for you... Put in effort! Most people fail and lose today due to lack of effort. Seeking knowledge is the best way to progress in all aspects.

How can I buy or purchase Next Stop Japan?

Tsuge Marina organizes free events with travel tips several times a year. After these events she usually releases registrations for Next Stop Japan for about 5 days. This is the perfect opportunity to enroll in Next Stop Japan.

I wish you a good experience and travel for you Suki Desu reader. We are grateful if you comment on your experience with Next Stop Japan and share this article with friends. To access the Next Stop Japan website and register, just click below:

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