Meaning of: 質問 - shitsumon

Romaji: shitsumon

Kana: しつもん

Type: Substantive.

L: jlpt-n5


Meaning: Question; investigation

Meaning in English: question;inquiry

Table of Content
- Etymology
- Writing
- Synonyms
- Example Phrases

Explanation and Etymology - (質問) shitsumon

"質問" is a Japanese word that means "question". The first part of the kanji (質) means "quality" or "substance", while the second part (問) means "to ask". The word is composed of two Kanji, both of Chinese origin. The word is often used in formal contexts, such as in a classroom or a job interview.

How to Write in Japanese - (質問) shitsumon

See below a step-by-step guide on how to write the word by hand in Japanese (質問) shitsumon:

Synonyms and Similar - (質問) shitsumon

See below a list of Japanese words that have the same meaning or is a variation of the word we are studying on this page:

問い; 疑問; 手紙; 問い合わせ; 問いかけ; 訊く; 訪問; 訊問; 質疑; 質問状; 質問書; 質問票; 質疑応答


Words containing: 質問

See also other related words from our dictionary:

Words with the same pronunciation: しつもん shitsumon

Example Sentences - (質問) shitsumon

Below are some example sentences:


Shitsumon wo shitemo ii desu ka?)

I can ask a question?

I can ask a question?

  • 質問: means "question" in Japanese
  • を: Japanese direct object particle
  • して: shape of the verb "suru" which means "to do" in Japanese, in the gerund
  • も: Inclusion particle in Japanese
  • いい: adjective meaning "good" in Japanese
  • です: polished form of the verb "being" in Japanese
  • か: Japanese interrogation particle
  • ?: Japanese interrogation sign


Kare wa te o agete shitsumon o shita

He raised his hand and asked a question.

  • 彼: Japanese personal pronoun meaning "he"
  • は: topic particle that indicates that the subject of the sentence is "he"
  • 手: Japanese noun meaning "hand"
  • を: object particle that indicates that "hand" is the direct object of the action
  • 挙げて: Japanese verb that means "lift" or "erger", combined in the gerund to indicate that the action is underway
  • 質問: Japanese noun meaning "question"
  • を: object particle that indicates that "question" is the direct object of the action
  • した: Japanese verb that means "to do" or "accomplish", conjugated in the past to indicate that the action has already been completed


Watashi wa anata no shitsumon ni kotaeru koto ga dekimasu ka?)

Can I answer your question?

Can I answer your question?

  • 私 (watashi) - personal pronoun meaning "I" in Japanese
  • は (wa) - Japanese particle that indicates the topic of the sentence
  • あなた (anata) - Japanese personal pronoun meaning "you"
  • の (NO) - Japanese particle that indicates possession or relationship
  • 質問 (shitsumon) - Japanese noun meaning "question"
  • に (Ni) - Japanese particle that indicates the target of the action
  • 答える (Kotaeru) - Japanese verb that means "answer"
  • こと (koto) - Japanese noun meaning "thing"
  • が (ga) - Japanese particle that indicates the subject of the sentence
  • できますか (dekimasu ka) - expression meaning "is it possible?" or "can you?"

Phrase Generator

Generate new sentences with the word 質問 Using our Artificial Intelligence phrase generator. You can still choose new words to appear alongside the phrase.

Other words of the same type: Substantive.

See other words from our dictionary that are also: Substantive.


Kana: せいぶつ

Romaji: seibutsu


Living things; creature


Kana: たいわ

Romaji: taiwa


interactive; interaction; conversation; dialogue

Kana: つばさ

Romaji: tsubasa



FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

There are different ways of expressing the idea of "Question; investigation" in the Japanese language.

A way of saying "Question; investigation" é "(質問) shitsumon". Throughout this page you will find information and alternatives.
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On this page you will find precious information about the Japanese word "(質問) shitsumon", you can take advantage of the phrases available on this page and add them to a memorization program or Flashcard. You can also see their writing, meanings and synonyms.