In this article, we will appreciate the blossoming of plum trees in Japan. Plum trees are called Ume (梅) and are the first to bloom before Momo (peach tree 桃) and Sakura (cherry tree 桜).
The period in which the plum trees bloom is after winter, starting in February. The famous hanami began with the plum trees before the Nara Period (710-794 AD) and not with Sakura as some think. The plum trees do not have a trunk, and the flowers sprout directly from the branches.

The flowers of the Ume are mentioned in various Japanese poems, songs, dances, and arts. For the Japanese, the ume serves to revitalize, improve health, and increase longevity. Samurai value the ume as an energy booster. The fruit of the Plum tree, ume (Japanese plum), is used to season juices, drinks, sauces, and sweets in Japan, such as the famous pickled plums (umeboshi) and the liquor (umeshu).
The video below from our friend Santana Channel will help you appreciate the beauty of this flower more:
The photos in this article were also provided by Santana. I hope you enjoyed this little article, don't forget to share and leave your thoughts on these beautiful flowers in the comments.