Shamisen: The Japanese 3-String Musical Instrument

Shamisen (三味線) is a Japanese musical instrument, its form is similar with the one of a banjo, except for its arm, being that thinner and longer. It has only three strings (like the name), its notes are the minor thirds and sixths, it produces a distinct sound associated with melancholy. It is played with a wide reed. Its body is made of wood covered with the skin of dogs or cats or even snakes in the past. Today it can be covered with a type of plastic fabric. For transport, it can be dismantled.

Derived from a Chinese instrument, the shamisen emerged in Okinawa around the 17th century, across the southern Ryuku Islands. At first it was considered a lower class instrument, as it was seen with street singers and geisha.

Over time, new shapes were developed for the instrument, varying the thickness of the body, creating a difference in the melody that could be slightly observed. This instrument was usually seen with geishas and in kabukis (dance and theater house) - becoming the main background musical instrument - and also in bunrakus (puppet house).

Shamisen in Japanese culture

With the increasing popularity of kabuki in the Edo era, the shamisen also became popular and spread throughout Japan, since then it is no longer considered an instrument only for the lower class. By the end of the 18th century, the shamisen was considered a classical concert instrument. Since then, classifications have been created for each style of shamisen use.

To this day, it is used in Japanese culture, although it takes years to master the technique of use. Even in Japanese paintings we can see the shamisen being portrayed in ancient times, either with geishas or in kabuki and bunrakus.

Below is a sample of the instrument. Itadakimasu!

featured photo of Motoki Morinaga.

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