Shimabara - City of Japan

On this page we present all the information, history, tourist attractions, attractions, and curiosities about the Japanese city: Shimabara

Table of Content
- Information
- Location
- Tourism
- Nearby Cities
- Lodging


See below all the important information about the city: Shimabara

  • Japanese name: 島原市
  • Romanization: Shimabara
  • Province: Nagasaki
  • Population: 42858
  • Foundation: 1940
  • País: Japan

Geolocation of Shimabara

  • Iijima 32.7878
  • Longitude: 130.3697

Shimabara - About the city

Segue abaixo as principais informações sobre a cidade "Shimabara": 

Shimabara is a city located in Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan. Situated on the west coast of the island of Kyushu, the city is known for its rich history and natural beauty. Shimabara is famous for its castle, Shimabara Castle, which was built in the 17th century and is an important historical landmark in the region.

In addition to the castle, the city is also home to the Unzen-Amakusa National Park, which is known for its stunning landscapes, including mountains, volcanoes and hot springs. The park offers several hiking trails and opportunities to enjoy nature.

Shimabara is also known for its unique culture and traditions. The city is famous for its religious festivities, such as the Shimabara Festival, which takes place annually and attracts visitors from all over the country. During the festival, residents dress in traditional costumes and participate in parades and cultural presentations.

Additionally, Shimabara is known for its local cuisine, which includes traditional dishes such as "shippoku", a meal that combines Japanese and Chinese ingredients. The city is also famous for its fresh seafood, such as oysters and fish, which are enjoyed by locals and tourists alike.

In short, Shimabara is a Japanese city with a rich history, beautiful natural landscapes and a vibrant culture. It is a popular destination for those who want to explore Japan's history and tradition, as well as enjoy its local cuisine and natural beauty.

Shimabara - Localização

See the location on Google Maps below and take the opportunity to trace your routes and visit highlights: 

Calculating distance from: Shimabara

See below the distance of some cities in kilometers to: Shimabara

  • Distance from Tokyo > Shimabara:
  • Distance from Osaka > Shimabara:
  • Distance from Kyoto > Shimabara:
  • Distance from Hiroshima > Shimabara:
  • Distance from Nagano > Shimabara:
  • Distance from Hokkaido > Shimabara:
  • Distance from Kumamoto (Kyushu) > Shimabara:

Shimabara - Atrações Turísticas

See some tourist attractions close to the city: Shimabara

  • Shimabara Castle
  • Mount Unzen
  • Shimabara History and Folklore Museum
  • Shimabara Thermal Resort
  • Shimabara Bay National Park

Cities Near Shimabara

See cities near Shimabara, that are located in the same province: Nagasaki

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Accommodation in Shimabara

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