Last Exile - Information

On this page, we present all the information, trivia, spoilers, summaries, main characters, and any other questions one might have regarding the anime: Last Exile. See how to watch online!

Last Exile

Synopsis: In the world of prestoving, flight is the dominant mode of transport, made possible by Claudia's fluid: a liquidated form of the crystals that are produced on the planet. An organization known only as "The Guild" has absolute authority over the skies, with the monopoly of the engines that use this fluid. In addition, as ecological disasters destabilize countries in Anoray and Dechith's war, the guild also arbitrates in the disputes between the two. Arrested in the middle of the conflict are the post office of the sky, piloting small vanships of two people who freely fly through the sky.

The last exile follows the adventures of two teenagers who dream of overcoming their parents: Claus Valca, son of a famous vibration pilot, and Lavie Head, Claus's best friend and browser. His work as post office implies going through a air stream called Grand Stream that separates hostile nations, which even standard aircraft struggle to survive. However, when they assume a high classification delivery to bring an orphan girl named Alvis Hamilton to the Silvana war ship, they are dragged to a much larger conflict that puts them against the power of the guild.

Table of Content
- Information
- Trailer/OP
- Curiosities
- Manga and Products
- Characters
- Summary
- Games, OVAs, Movies
- Meaning
- Related


See below all important information about the anime: Last Exile

Anime Names

  • Anime Name: Last Exile
  • Anime Name in Japanese: LAST EXILE(ラストエグザイル)
  • Anime Name in English: Last Exile
  • Other names: LE

Production information

  • Producers: GDH, Victor Entertainment, TV Tokyo Music
  • Licensors: Funimation, Geneon Entertainment USA
  • Studios: Gonzo

Anime Information

  • Type: TV
  • Episodes: 26
  • Date: April 8, 2003 - September 30, 2003 - Tuesdays at 0130 (JST)
  • Genres: Action, adventure, science fiction
  • Subjects: Unknown
  • Target: Seinen

Anime Reviews

  • note: 7.801
  • Popularity: 68546

Video Trailer/Opening

If available, a video of the anime opening or trailer will be displayed below:

  • Name: Last Exile Trailer/OP
  • Cover:
  • Date: 2023-06-29T07:28:23-03:00
  • Curiosities

    Below is the main curiosities of the anime "Last Exile": 

    • The design of Last Exile characters was inspired by historical figures such as Leonardo da Vinci and Napoleon Bonaparte.
    • The name of the main ship of the series, Silvana, was inspired by an Italian city called Silvano D'Orba.
    • The opening theme song, "Cloud Age Symphony", was composed by the renowned Japanese musician Yuki Kajiura.
    • The Last Exile production team included many members who worked in popular series such as Neon Genesis Evangelion and Cowboy Bebop.
    • The series was originally aired in 2003, but gained a continuation in 2011 titled Last Exile: FAM, The Silver Wing.
    Image of: Last Exile

    Manga and Products from Last Exile

    If you wish to acquire the volumes of the manga, Light Novel, DB, games, artbooks or any other product related to the anime Last Exile Let's leave recommendations below.

    The recommendations are from trusted stores like Amazon. We have separated the products. Last Exile that are on sale and popular. You can search and buy from different regions.

    To access our recommendations, simply click on the button corresponding to your region below:

    Amazon Brazil recommendations Amazon USA recommendations Amazon JP Recommendations

    Main Characters

    Below is the main characters of: "Last Exile"With your voice actors and a brief description of the character: 

    • CLAUS VALCA (Mayumi Asano) - A young driver who dreams of becoming a great vanship pilot.
    • LAVIE HEAD (Chiwa Saito) - Claus's childhood friend and co -pilot of her vanship.
    • Alex Row (Takumi Yamazaki) - Nave Captain Silvana, who fights the guild.
    • Sophia Forrester (Yukana) - The Princess of the Anator Empire and resistance leader against the guild.
    • DIO ELICEA (Junko Noda) - A mysterious young man who joins Silvana's crew.
    • Tatiana Wisla (Kikuko Inoue) - A skilled pilot from Silvana and Claus rival.
    • Alvis E. Hamilton (Miyuki Sawashiro) - A mysterious girl that Claus and Lavie find during a mission.

    Summary and events

    1. History takes place in a fictional world where humanity lives in flying ships.
    2. The main characters are Claus and Lavie, two young messengers who pilot a small ship called Vanship.
    3. They are hired by a mysterious man named Alex Rowe to deliver an important letter to the Silvana ship.
    4. During the delivery of the letter, they are attacked by an enemy ship and end up being rescued by Silvana.
    5. On board Silvana, they know members of the crew, including Captain Tatiana Wisla and Engineer Claus Valca, Claus's father.
    6. They discover that Silvana is on a mission to protect the Urbanus Nave, which contains a powerful weapon capable of changing the course of war between nations.
    7. Meanwhile, the enemy ship, led by Admiral Lucciola, is looking for Urbanus to capture it.
    8. Claus and Lavie join Silvana's crew to help protect Urbanus and face enemies.
    9. During the final battle, Urbanus is destroyed and the weapon is activated, causing a great explosion that ends the war between the nations.
    10. Claus and Lavie decide to move on with their lives as messengers, while Silvana's crew continues on her journey to find a new purpose.

    What happens in the end?

    Last Exile is an original anime, ie it does not have an original source like manga or light novel. Therefore, there is no specific story or end to summarize. The anime ends with the conclusion of the main plot, where the characters Claus and Lavie can hand over the Silvana ship to the Delphine team, the guild leader, and prevent her from using the ship for her own purposes. The ending leaves some questions open, but there is no confirmed continuation so far.


    See below the list of games available for different platforms related to anime: Last Exile

    • Last Exile (PlayStation 2)

    See below a list of OVAs, Specials, and Movies related to anime: Last Exile

    • Last Exile (série de TV)
    • Last Exile: Fam, the Silver Wing (série de TV)
    • Last Exile: Ginyoku no Fam Over the Wishes (Movie)
    • Last Exile - Interceptors of the Air (OVA)
    • Last Exile - Queens of the Adriatic (OVA)

    The list may not contain all games, movies, OVAs, or specials. The work may also have not received any extras or be unavailable.

    Meaning of Last Exile

    Let's look at the translation of each word and explanation of the anime's name: 

    LAST EXILE(ラストエグザイル)
    • Last: Last
    • Exile: exile
    The "Last Exile" anime takes place in a fictitious world where humanity lives in floating colonies after a catastrophic event. The story follows the protagonists Claus Valca and Lavie Head, who are pilots of a flying ship named Vanship. They get involved in a war between two nations and discover secrets about the true purpose of the colonies and the truth behind human exile. The name "Last Exile" may refer to the fact that history takes place at a critical and decisive moment for humanity, where they are in the last stage of their existence in floating colonies.

    See below some anime similar to Last Exile

    See also related articles


    See below some external links like official website and MyAnimeList link:

    FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

    Last Exile has a total of 26 episodes. This number may not represent all seasons.
    You can watch the anime Last Exile on Crunchyroll, Netflix, or any other streaming site where the work is available. Availability will depend on your current location.
    The decision to produce new seasons of the anime Last Exile usually depends on various factors, such as DVD/Blu-ray sales, merchandise, popularity of the original material. This information can be found throughout the page. The anime's popularity reached on "MyAnimeList" the following number of members: 68546