Haiyore! Nyaruko-san - Information

On this page, we present all the information, trivia, spoilers, summaries, main characters, and any other questions one might have regarding the anime: Haiyore! Nyaruko-san. See how to watch online!

Haiyore! Nyaruko-san

Synopsis: Mahiro Yasaka is just a common high school student, until one day he is suddenly attacked by a dangerous monster. Only when everything seems to be lost, he is saved by a silver -haired girl named Nyaruko, who claims to be Nyarlathotep's divinity by Terror H. P. Cthulhu Mythos, sent by the Earth Space Defense Agency. She explains to Mahiro that the creature chasing him was an alien named Nightgaunt, who had planned to kidnap and sell it as a slave.

After rescuing him from the alien, the Divinity Lovecrafia falls madly in love with Mahiro and forces herself in her house for great disgust. In addition, they soon join two others from the fictitious universe: Cthuko, a girl obsessed with Nyaruko, and Hasuta, a boy easily confused with a beautiful woman. Together, the three eccentric aliens protect Mahiro from the various extraterrestrial dangers that threaten his well-being and the earth all the time, making his life a hell.

Table of Content
- Information
- Trailer/OP
- Curiosities
- Manga and Products
- Characters
- Summary
- Games, OVAs, Movies
- Meaning
- Related


See below all important information about the anime: Haiyore! Nyaruko-san

Anime Names

  • Anime Name: Haiyore! Nyaruko-san
  • Anime Name in Japanese: 這いよれ!ニャル子さん
  • Anime Name in English: Nyaruko Crawling With Love!
  • Other names: Nyarko-san Another Crawling Chaos, Haiyoru! Nyaruko-san

Production information

  • Producers: TV Tokyo, Avex Entertainment, Sotsu, KlockWorx, Cospa, SoftBank Creative, Studio Mausu, Bulls Eye
  • Licensors: NIS America, Inc.
  • Studios: Xebec

Anime Information

  • Type: TV
  • Episodes: 12
  • Date: April 10, 2012 - June. 26, 2012
  • Genres: Comedy, science fiction
  • Subjects: Parody
  • Target: Shounen

Anime Reviews

  • note: 7.011
  • Popularity: 145033

Video Trailer/Opening

If available, a video of the anime opening or trailer will be displayed below:

  • Name: Haiyore! Nyaruko-san Trailer/OP
  • Cover: https://skdesu.com/animage/49081.jpg
  • Date: 2023-06-29T07:20:41-03:00
  • Curiosities

    Below is the main curiosities of the anime "Haiyore! Nyaruko-san": 

    • The anime is based on a series of Japanese light novels written by Aisora ​​blanket and illustrated by Koin.
    • The full name of the main character, Nyaruko, is Nyarlathotep, who is one of the gods of the Cthulhu pantheon created by writer H.P. Lovecraft.
    • The anime is a parody of various genres, including science fiction, horror and romance.
    • The character Mahiro Yasaka is voiced by Eri Kitamura, who also dub the character Yui on Angel Beats! and the character Sayaka Miki in Puella Magi Madoka Magica.
    • The anime presents several references to other anime and manga, including Neon Genesis Evangelion, Dragon Ball Z and Sailor Moon.
    • The anime was produced by Xebec studio, which also produced other popular anime such as to Love-Rru and Martian Successor Nadesic.
    • The anime was directed by Tsuyoshi Nagasawa, who also directed other anime like MM! And pray on Nounai Sentakushi Ga, Gakuen Love Comedy Wo Zenryoku from Jama Shiteiru.
    • The anime was first broadcast in Japan in 2012 and had two seasons, as well as an OVA and a movie.
    Image of: Haiyore! Nyaruko-san

    Manga and Products from Haiyore! Nyaruko-san

    If you wish to acquire the volumes of the manga, Light Novel, DB, games, artbooks or any other product related to the anime Haiyore! Nyaruko-san Let's leave recommendations below.

    The recommendations are from trusted stores like Amazon. We have separated the products. Haiyore! Nyaruko-san that are on sale and popular. You can search and buy from different regions.

    To access our recommendations, simply click on the button corresponding to your region below:

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    Main Characters

    Below is the main characters of: "Haiyore! Nyaruko-san"With your voice actors and a brief description of the character: 

    • Nyaruko (Eri Kitamura) - An alien goddess who falls in love with a human student and protects him from other extraterrestrial beings.
    • Mahiro Yasaka (Miyu Matsuki) - The human student who is protected by Nyaruko and tries to keep his life normal while dealing with the follies of the alien world.
    • KUUKO (Kana ASUMI) - A friend of Nyaruko who is also an alien goddess who has a fall for Mahiro.
    • HASTUR (MIYU IRINO) - An alien being who disguises as a human student who has a rivalry with Nyaruko.
    • Cthugha (Rie Kugimiya) - Another alien being disguising as a human student who has an explosive personality.

    Summary and events

    1. Mahiro meets Nyaruko, an alien goddess who falls in love with him.
    2. Nyaruko begins to protect Mahiro from other alien beings who want to capture him.
    3. Cthulhu, an ancient cosmic being, appears and tries to capture Mahiro, but is defeated by Nyaruko and his friends.
    4. Other alien beings, such as rut ​​and Shantak-kun, appear and cause problems for Nyaruko and Mahiro.
    5. Nyaruko and his friends join a secret organization to combat alien threats.
    6. Nyaruko and Mahiro face a powerful enemy named Kuuko, who is also in love with Mahiro.
    7. Nyaruko and his friends travel to other dimensions and planets to combat alien threats and protect the earth.
    8. Mahiro discovers that he himself is an alien being and needs to deal with the consequences of this.
    9. Nyaruko and Mahiro finally confess their feelings for each other and begin a relationship.

    What happens in the end?

    Unfortunately, Haiyore's original source! Nyaruko-san is a light novel that is still in progress and does not have a defined ending. Therefore, it is not possible to summarize what happens at the end of the work.


    See below the list of games available for different platforms related to anime: Haiyore! Nyaruko-san

    • Haiyore! Nyaruko-san: Meijou Shigatai Game no You na Mono (PlayStation Vita)
    • Haiyore! Nyaruko-san: Yasashii Teki no Shitome-kata (PlayStation Portable)

    See below a list of OVAs, Specials, and Movies related to anime: Haiyore! Nyaruko-san

    • Movie: Haiyore! Nyaruko-san F
    • OVA: Haiyore! Nyaruko-san W OVA
    • Special: Haiyore! Nyaruko-san W: Mini Nyaruko-san

    The list may not contain all games, movies, OVAs, or specials. The work may also have not received any extras or be unavailable.

    Meaning of Haiyore! Nyaruko-san

    Let's look at the translation of each word and explanation of the anime's name: 

    • 這いよ れ! (Haiyore!) - means "crawl!"
    • ニャル子 さん (nyarko -san) - is a nickname to the main character, Nyarlathotep
    The anime "這いよ! ニャルニャル子" (Haiyore! Nyarko-san) is a science fiction comedy that follows the life of Mahiro Yasaka, a high school student who is constantly persecuted by supernatural creatures. Nyarlathotep, an alien goddess disguised as a girl, is sent to protect him. The series is known for its mix of elements of comedy, parody and references to various works of pop culture.

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    See also related articles


    See below some external links like official website and MyAnimeList link:

    FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

    Haiyore! Nyaruko-san has a total of 12 episodes. This number may not represent all seasons.
    You can watch the anime Haiyore! Nyaruko-san on Crunchyroll, Netflix, or any other streaming site where the work is available. Availability will depend on your current location.
    The decision to produce new seasons of the anime Haiyore! Nyaruko-san usually depends on various factors, such as DVD/Blu-ray sales, merchandise, popularity of the original material. This information can be found throughout the page. The anime's popularity reached on "MyAnimeList" the following number of members: 145033