Where to buy clothes or accessories from Japan online?

Have you ever thought about buying a Kimono? Yukata? Get? and other traditional clothes of Japanese culture? No idea where to buy them? Want an affordable price? In this article I will introduce you to one of the best sites to purchase these items and some options for you.

Sites that import products from Asia exist in droves. Some sites are small and niche that only advertise specific products, but are they reliable, fast, or cheap? Why not buy directly from a world-renowned website where you can find everything?

Yes, I'm talking about Aliexpress, a well-known site among Brazilians that also sells thousands of products related to Japan, such as kimono, yukata and other items of interest to many Brazilians.

Buying on Aliexpress

AliExpress is a marketplace of the Alibaba group that was founded by Jack Ma in 1999 and started with the aim of selling Chinese products. Currently more than 4 million Brazilians buy through AliExpress, I think it's a small number compared to the population.

To buy on AliExpress, you need to register, search for the product you want and check buyers' reviews, pay attention to the warranty period so you don't have any problems during your purchase.

Aliexpress is like a universal free market, where you should pay attention to the seller's reputation and also look for other cheaper prices from other sellers. You can make purchases using your credit card or bank transfer.

Like any online import store, there is a small percentage of you being taxed on purchases over 100$ (dollars). If you are taxed for buying less than that, you can appeal your rights under Decree-Law 1804.

The best Kimonos and Yukata

Below we will share some traditional Japanese clothes for you to purchase through AliExpress.

Other clothes and accessories

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