How to Exit Automatic in Japan?

Culture, Japan

Per Kevin

Japan is a wonderful land that offers countless leisure and entertainment options, as well as safety and a vast cuisine. Despite this, many Japanese and Brazilians living in the country do not have the opportunity to enjoy everything that Japan offers, as Japanese capitalism forces many to chase the wind. In this artigo, we'll explore how to get out of automatic mode and enjoy life in Japan more.

The Automatic Routine of Residents in Japan

Intense work

In the three times I was in Japan, I spoke to several Brazilians and Japanese. Most of them did not have the chance to visit other provinces, and many did not know about the existence or had never visited the tourist sites mentioned. In the tourist spots I visited, the majority of those present were students, retired elderly people or foreigners. The fact is that many residents of Japan do not have time to enjoy their earnings, travel and enjoy their lives. Most are required to follow an employment contract, working a significant amount of overtime, often in factories where the work is heavy.

The Salary Reality

Although Japanese salaries are much higher than Brazilian salaries, and even the cost of living and the price of things are cheaper than in Brazil, many who live in Japan are at the limit of their salaries. This can occur by saving money with the aim of returning to Brazil and buying land, or by spending it in Japan on expensive cars and new products. A single man manages to survive comfortably in Japan by working just three times a week and taking the rest of his time off, leading a simple life. However, many who live in Japan are married and have children, which increases monthly expenses even further.

Living on Automatic

Many Brazilians and Japanese live automatically, waking up early to work all day in factories, arriving home after seven at night to watch television or eat fast food, sleep and start the day again in the same way. Just to arrive at the weekend and spend the day resting, or at most, going to some interesting point in your city.

How to get out of automatic in Japan?

Alternatives to Exit Automatic

Simplify Life

One option to get out of automatic mode is to simplify your life by looking for jobs that don't require overtime. I have several friends who work in Japan three days a week taking care of the elderly, leaving four free days a week. There is an illusion that the Japanese work hard. It's true that they are dedicated, but I noticed that many work little. Shops open later and close earlier than in Brazil.

Challenge yourself

Another option is to challenge yourself and increase your qualifications. Many Brazilians who have lived on automatic for decades have never had the opportunity to learn Japanese. How will they qualify for jobs with shorter hours if they don't learn the language? The same happens in Brazil. Many were born into poverty and cannot see a path to growth. Social inequality is really big all over the world, but that doesn't mean you should give up. Many remain in these precarious conditions because they do not have the strength to change the situation.

Search New Optionrtunits

Japan offers many alternatives and options. Job openings for office and technology jobs are always available, even remote jobs. However, the demands are high. A high level of Japanese is required, as well as specific experience. I can't just tell you to quit your factory job and get a better one. Despite being a great option, it is not accessible to everyone.

How to get out of automatic in Japan?

Strategies to Make the Most of Life in Japan

Community Involvement

To give you an idea, 1 in every 3 people in the religious organization to which I belong volunteers in a service that requires 50 hours of dedication per month. Previously, this value was 70 hours, with Japan being the country with the largest proportional number of volunteers in the world. There is no excuse that the Japanese work too much and don't have time for anything, with 71,000 Japanese people managing to take 70 hours out of their monthly time for voluntary service.

Use of Free Time

You can simplify your life and use your free time to immerse yourself in Japanese culture, visit other cities and tourist attractions, make new friends and expand your horizons. Free time can also be used to challenge yourself and increase your qualifications.

Personal development

Don't make excuses or stop fighting for your desires. Just as it is extremely difficult for some to go to the gym and exercise, learning a language is also a difficult task and takes a lot of time. So, don't waste your time anymore. You've already done the hardest thing, which is being in Japan. Now, just organize your time and dedicate yourself to your studies, whether through an in-person or online course, like Suki Desu himself. Aim to delve deeper into the Japanese language and culture.

Dealing with Pressure

Another reason why many Brazilians in Japan are on automatic is because they cannot deal with the pressure they face in Japan and end up isolating themselves. Maybe you have created a misconception about the Japanese because you suffered ijime in a factory or school, but if you don't learn to deal with these feelings of anger, hatred and generalization, you won't be able to face life's challenges. We live in a generation where people have lost patience and cannot deal with their fragile emotions. What we find most on the internet are hateful people commenting on negative situations and realities that they experienced in Japan. But have you ever stopped to think and focus on the positive things?

How to get out of automatic in Japan?

Wrapping Up

It is common for human beings to always focus on the negative and forget about the good things. Because, if we take a white sheet with a black dot, most people will focus on the black dot and not the white of the paper. If you faced a traumatic situation in Japan that left you feeling down, don't let it affect your emotions or control your future. Try to forget, forgive and not take into account the damage caused.

Take care of your emotions, dedicate yourself to working less and try to challenge yourself. If you do these things, with certeza you will be able to go off automatic in Japan and enjoy everything it has to offer.

I hope you liked this artigo. Don't forget to communicate with as many people as possible so that they too can get out of the automatic mode. Thank you and see you next time!

Information about the Anime: Claymore
Meaning and Definition: kashikomarimashita