Tentai Senshi Sunred - Information

On this page, we present all the information, trivia, spoilers, summaries, main characters, and any other questions one might have regarding the anime: Tentai Senshi Sunred. See how to watch online!

Tentai Senshi Sunred

Synopsis: Try Senshi Sunred is the magnificent story of the conflict between the good and the evil that occurs in the city of Kawasaki. Sunred, Ally of Justice, is dedicated to preventing the organization of evil, Florsheim, in his search for world domination, while General Vamp and his servants are constantly thinking of new schemes to defeat the sun. In what looks like a typical story, the characters make all the difference.

Our hero Sunred is rude, violent and lazy, playing Pachinko all day and pushing his girlfriend Kayoko Uchida. Meanwhile, General Vamp is polite, conscious and an ideal housewife who cooks, his servants' mothers and discusses household chores with Kayoko, which constantly with sun. Even the monsters of Florsheim tend to be adorable and harmless.

Each episode consists of several shorts weighing in a few minutes a few seconds and explores the daily life of these sworn enemies. This is the history of the battle between the good and the evil that occurs in Kawasaki.

Table of Content
- Information
- Trailer/OP
- Curiosities
- Manga and Products
- Characters
- Summary
- Games, OVAs, Movies
- Meaning
- Related


See below all important information about the anime: Tentai Senshi Sunred

Anime Names

  • Anime Name: Tentai Senshi Sunred
  • Anime Name in Japanese: 天体戦士サンレッド
  • Anime Name in English: Desconhecido
  • Other names: Astro Fighter Sunred

Production information

  • Producers: flying DOG
  • Licensors: Desconhecido
  • Studios: AIC ASTA

Anime Information

  • Type: TV
  • Episodes: 26
  • Date: October 3, 2008 - March. 28, 2009
  • Genres: Comedy
  • Subjects: Getting mood, parody, super power
  • Target: Seinen

Anime Reviews

  • note: 7.751
  • Popularity: 6518

Video Trailer/Opening

If available, a video of the anime opening or trailer will be displayed below:

  • Nome: Tentai Senshi Sunred Trailer/OP
  • Capa: https://skdesu.com/animage/11740.jpg
  • Date: 2023-06-29T07:59:10-03:00
  • Curiosities

    Below is the main curiosities of the anime "Tentai Senshi Sunred": 

    • The anime is a parody of superheroes and villains, with Sunred being the hero and the flowersheim organization being the villains.
    • The character Sunred is voiced by Hiroshi Kamiya, who also dubbed Levi Ackerman on Attack on Titan and Izaya Orihara in Durarara !!.
    • The series has a special crossover episode with the anime Yatterman Night, where Sunred and his friends join Yatterman's heroes to face a common enemy.
    • The anime has a unique animation style, with characters designed in a simple art style and vibrant colors.
    • Anime creator Makoto Kubota is also known for his work in other comedy series such as Osomatsu-san and Gintama.
    Image of: Tentai Senshi Sunred

    Manga and Products from Tentai Senshi Sunred

    If you wish to acquire the volumes of the manga, Light Novel, DB, games, artbooks or any other product related to the anime Tentai Senshi Sunred Let's leave recommendations below.

    The recommendations are from trusted stores like Amazon. We have separated the products. Tentai Senshi Sunred that are on sale and popular. You can search and buy from different regions.

    To access our recommendations, simply click on the button corresponding to your region below:

    Amazon Brazil recommendations Amazon USA recommendations Amazon JP Recommendations

    Main Characters

    Below is the main characters of: "Tentai Senshi Sunred"With your voice actors and a brief description of the character: 

    • Sunred (Junichi Goto) - A lazy superhero who fights against the army of vamp
    • Vamp (Hiroshi Shirokuma) - The Army leader of monsters trying to conquer the city
    • General Vamp (Kazuma Horie) - The son of Vamp who is a little spoiled and incompetent
    • Kayoko Shiroishi (Yuka Tanaka) - Sunred's girlfriend who is often frustrated with her laziness
    • FLORSHEIM (Takashi Matsuyama) - A monster who becomes friends with Sunred and starts working at a convenience store
    • Jaguar (Masashi Hirose) - A rival superhero of Sunred who often tries to steal his girlfriend
    • General Hengel (Takashi Matsuyama) - One of the army generals of monsters who is a little awkward and easily distracted.

    Summary and events

    1. The city is threatened by a group of villains named Florsheim.
    2. Sunred, a hero, fights against Florsheim to protect the city.
    3. Sunred has a girlfriend, Kayoko, who supports him in his fights.
    4. Florsheim's villains are led by Vamp, which is obsessed with Kayoko.
    5. Sunred and Vamp have an intense rivalry.
    6. Other heroes and villains are introduced in history.
    7. Sunred and Kayoko get married.
    8. Florsheim is finally defeated, but new villains appear to challenge Sunred.

    What happens in the end?

    Unfortunately, I cannot provide an answer to this anime, as there is not enough information about the end of the work.


    See below the list of games available for different platforms related to anime: Tentai Senshi Sunred

    • Tentai Senshi Sunred (PSP)
    • Tentai Senshi Sunred 2 (PSP)
    • Tentai Senshi Sunred: Vermelho Contra Robôs Azuis (DS)

    See below a list of OVAs, Specials, and Movies related to anime: Tentai Senshi Sunred

    • Tentai Senshi Sunred
    • Tentai Senshi Sunred: Ase & Furosuto & Randoseru
    • Tentai Senshi Sunred 2nd Season
    • Tentai Senshi Sunred OVA

    The list may not contain all games, movies, OVAs, or specials. The work may also have not received any extras or be unavailable.

    Meaning of Tentai Senshi Sunred

    Let's look at the translation of each word and explanation of the anime's name: 

    • 天体戦士 (try senshi) - Heavenly Warrior
    • サンレッド (San Reddo) - Sun Red
    The anime "天体サンレッドサンレッド" (try sensi San Reddo) is a series of Japanese comedy that tells the story of a hero named Sun Red, who is a heavenly warrior. He fights an evil organization called Florsheim, which tries to master the world. However, despite his struggle skills, Sun Red is a lazy and clumsy hero, often more concerned with housework and everyday problems than the fight against evil. The anime is known for its absurd comedy and superhero parodies.

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    See also related articles


    See below some external links like official website and MyAnimeList link:

    FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

    Tentai Senshi Sunred has a total of 26 episodes. This number may not represent all seasons.
    You can watch the anime Tentai Senshi Sunred on Crunchyroll, Netflix, or any other streaming site where the work is available. Availability will depend on your current location.
    The decision to produce new seasons of the anime Tentai Senshi Sunred usually depends on various factors, such as DVD/Blu-ray sales, merchandise, popularity of the original material. This information can be found throughout the page. The anime's popularity reached on "MyAnimeList" the following number of members: 6518