5 popular songs in Japanese karaoke

Everyone knows that Karaoke is super popular in Japan, there are thousands of establishments where groups of Japanese friends come to sing, eat, drink and have fun.

1. 残酷な天使のテーゼ / “Zankokuna tenshino teze” by Yoko Takahashi

A very popular song from the anime Evangelion. Below we have a cover by the group Goose house. We wrote an article breaking down this song, you can access it clicking here.

2. 小さな恋のうた / “Chisana koino uta” by MONGOL800

3. 空も飛べるはず / “Soramo toberuhazu” by Spitz

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4. ハナミズキ / “Hanamizuki” by Yo Hitoto

5. 女々しくて / “Memeshikute” by Golden Bomber

It is difficult to define the best songs, the most sung ones. There are countless other popular songs. If you are interested in singing karaoke, there is a YouTube channel where you can find thousands of songs. Click here to access KaraokeJPOP.

Source: Wasabi

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