Onigiri in the shape of a Halloween pumpkin Recipes and curiosities

On this page you will learn the recipe and some information about the Japanese dish Onigiri in the shape of a Halloween pumpkin Also known as Harouinpanpukinrantangataonigiri.

Table of Content
- About
- Origin
- Information
- Ingredients
- Preparation
- Related

All about Harouinpanpukinrantangataonigiri

The Japanese dish known as "Halloween Jack-o'-lantern pumpkin shaped rice balls" is a delicious and creative option to celebrate Halloween. It consists of small turquoise-shaped rice balls, traditionally served during the month of October.

These small culinary works of art are made from cooked and roasted Japanese rice with rice vinegar, sugar and salt. The rice is then molded in the shape of a ball and pressed into a pumpkin shape mold. Finally, a piece of nori alga cut in the shape of a pumpkin face is added, giving the final and characteristic touch of the dish.

In addition to being a fun and themed option for Halloween, the Jack-o'-lantern pumpkin shaped rice balls are a great choice for children as they are easy to eat and carry a soft and pleasant taste. In addition, the dish is highly versatile, and can be served as an aperitif, accompaniment or even as a main dish.

One of the advantages of this dish is that it can be made at home with simple and affordable ingredients.In addition, it is possible to add other ingredients to the rice, such as pieces of chicken, salmon or vegetables, to make the dish even more tasty and nutritious.

The Jack-o'-lantern pumpkin shaped rice balls are also a great choice for parties and thematic events, as in addition to being visually attractive, they are easy to serve and eat. And for those who don't eat meat, just replace the filling with vegetarian options such as tofu or mushrooms.

In summary, the Japanese dish "Halloween Jack-o'-lantern pumpkin shaped rice balls" is a creative, tasty and versatile option to celebrate Halloween and surprise guests. With its funny appearance and delicate taste, it is a great way to incorporate Japanese tradition into a themed party and ensure the success of the event.

Origin and history of Onigiri em forma de abóbora de Halloween

Jack-o'-lantern rice balls are a version of the traditional Japanese Onigiri dish, which consists of triangularly pressed rice cakes. The origin of these cakes dates back to the eighth century, when they were made to be taken on trips and served as a practical and portable meal. The tradition of carving cakes for Halloween originated in Ireland, where cakes lit with candles were believed to remove evil spirits. Over time, this tradition has been incorporated into various countries, including Japan, where Onigiri rice cakes were transformed into Jack-o'-lantern rice balls, with the shape of cakes and decorated with scary faces. Today, these cakes are a fun and creative option to celebrate Halloween, and are a delicious way to combine two different culinary cultures.

About the recipe

  • Name of the plate: Onigiri in the shape of a Halloween pumpkin
  • Name of the dish in English: Halloween Jack-o'-lantern pumpkin shaped rice balls
  • Name of the plate in Japanese: ハロウィーンパンプキンランタン型おにぎり
  • Name of the Romanian dish: Harouinpanpukinrantangataonigiri

Information about preparation

  • Time to prepare: 15 minutes
  • Time of Cooking: 20 minutes
  • Difficulty: MEDIUM
  • It suits: 1-2 people
  • Occasions: Lunch, Autumn

Ingredients – Ingredients

Check out the necessary and optional ingredients Onigiri in the shape of a Halloween pumpkinIt makes sense to improvise

  • 300g of cooked rice
  • 15g of roasted carrots
  • 1-2 tablespoons of ketchup
  • Rice Balls in the Shape of Jack-o'-Lantern Halloween
  • Toughened Laminated Safety Glass
  • Nori seaweed, to decorate
  • Optional ingredients: cheddar cheese, cheddar cheese

Watch a video of the recipe:

YouTube video

Recipes - How to Prepare

Now that you know the ingredients to make the recipe Onigiri in the shape of a Halloween pumpkin. Follow the instructions below in the preparation mode or step by step.


Step 1: Prepare the bright orange color:

  • Roast a carrot and mix it with ketchup and boiled rice until you get a bright, uniform orange color.

Step 2: Mold the rice balls:

  • Put one-third of the rice in a piece of film and wrap it tightly to form a ball in the middle.

Step 3: Creating the Faces

  • Cut pieces of silk to make the dew stem and use nori algae to create the eyes, nose and mouth of the Jack-o lantern. Insert the silk stem on top of each rice ball and apply nori algae to form the face. Wrap the film tightly again to fix nori algae on the rice ball.

Step 4: Take advantage of:

  • Play the movie and enjoy the rice balls as a snack or dessert on Halloween.