Minobu - City of Japan

On this page we present all the information, history, tourist attractions, attractions, and curiosities about the Japanese city: Minobu

Table of Content
- Information
- Location
- Tourism
- Nearby Cities
- Lodging


See below all the important information about the city: Minobu

  • Japanese name: 身延山梨
  • Romanization: Minobu
  • Province: Yamanashi
  • Population: 10440
  • Foundation: 1571
  • Country: Japan

Geolocation of Minobu

  • Latitude 35.4675
  • Longitude: 138.4424

Minobu - About the city

Below are the main information about the city "Minobu": 

Minobu is a Japanese city located in Yamanashi Prefecture. Located in the center of the country, the city is known for its rich history and natural beauty.

The city of Minobu is famous for being the place where the founder of the Nichiren Buddhist sect, called Nichiren Daishonin, lived and preached during the 13th century. Mount Minobu, which is close to the city, is considered a sacred site for followers of Nichiren Buddhism.

In addition to its religious importance, Minobu also offers beautiful natural scenery. The city is surrounded by mountains and lush forests, giving visitors the opportunity to enjoy trails and hikes. Lake Minobu, located nearby, is a popular destination for water activities such as fishing and boating.

The town of Minobu also has a peaceful and welcoming atmosphere. Its inhabitants are known for their hospitality and preservation of local traditions. Local cuisine is a mix of traditional Japanese dishes, such as sushi and tempura, with regional influences.

In summary, Minobu is a Japanese city with a rich religious history, beautiful natural scenery and a welcoming atmosphere. It is an ideal destination for those who want to explore the culture and nature of Japan.

Minobu - Location

See the location on Google Maps below and take the opportunity to trace your routes and visit highlights: 

Calculating distance from: Minobu

See below the distance of some cities in kilometers to: Minobu

  • Distance from Tokyo > Minobu:
  • Distance from Osaka > Minobu:
  • Distance from Kyoto > Minobu:
  • Distance from Hiroshima > Minobu:
  • Distance from Nagano > Minobu:
  • Distance from Hokkaido > Minobu:
  • Distance from Kumamoto (Kyushu) > Minobu:

Minobu - Tourist attractions

See some tourist attractions close to the city: Minobu

  • Tanzawa-ōyama
  • Kiyoharu Museum
  • Kuonji Sanctuary
  • Pico Minobu
  • Lake Fujiwara

Cities Near Minobu

See cities near Minobu, that are located in the same province: Yamanashi

Related articles

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Accommodation in Minobu

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