Minjian Gui Shu - Information; Final; Summary

On this page, we present all the information, trivia, spoilers, summaries, main characters, and any other questions one might have regarding the anime: Minjian Gui Shu. See how to watch online!

Minjian Gui Shu

Minjian Gui Shu

Synopsis: "Minjian Gui Shu" is an adventure and fantasy anime that follows the journey of a group of heroes in a magical world. With elements of Chinese mythology, the protagonists face supernatural challenges and fight to protect their kingdom from the darkness that threatens to dominate it. Throughout the story, they uncover ancient secrets and develop their skills to face great dangers, while exploring mystical lands and meeting extraordinary beings. With a captivating plot and charismatic characters, "Minjian Gui Shu" offers an exciting epic journey full of magic, battles, and mysteries.

Table of Content
- Information
- Trailer/OP
- Curiosities
- Manga and Products
- Characters
- Summary
- Games, OVAs, Movies
- Meaning
- Related


See below all important information about the anime: Minjian Gui Shu

Anime Names

  • Anime Name: Minjian Gui Shu
  • Anime Name in Japanese: 民间鬼术
  • Anime Name in English: Minjian Gui Shu
  • Other names:

Production information

  • Producers: None found, add some
  • Licensors:
  • Studios: None found, add some

Anime Information

  • Type: ONA
  • Episodes: 50
  • Date: 14 de maio de 2015 a 8 de setembro de 2017
  • Genres: Horror
  • Subjects: Terror
  • Target: Seinen

Anime Reviews

  • note: 5
  • Popularity: 23211

Video Trailer/Opening

If available, a video of the anime opening or trailer will be displayed below:

YouTube video


Below is the main curiosities of the anime "Minjian Gui Shu": 

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Minjian Gui Shu
Image of: Minjian Gui Shu

Manga and Products from Minjian Gui Shu

If you wish to acquire the volumes of the manga, Light Novel, DB, games, artbooks or any other product related to the anime Minjian Gui Shu Let's leave recommendations below.

The recommendations are from trusted stores like Amazon. We have separated the products Minjian Gui Shu that are on sale and popular. You can search and buy from different regions.

To access our recommendations, simply click on the button corresponding to your region below:

Amazon Brazil recommendations Amazon USA recommendations Amazon JP Recommendations

Main Characters

Below is the main characters of: "Minjian Gui Shu"With your voice actors and a brief description of the character: 

  • Akira - The protagonist of the story, a powerful wizard who seeks to avenge his family's death.
  • Hikari - A young warrior who becomes friends with Akira and helps him on his journey.
  • Ryota - A mysterious ninja who joins Akira's group to protect him from enemies.
  • Sakura - A skilled healer who joins Akira's team to help them in their battles.
  • Black - A mercenary with an explosive temperament who ends up becoming an ally of Akira in his quest for justice.

Summary and events

  • A group of children ventures into a mysterious forest
  • They find a strange abandoned library
  • Inside the library, they discover books containing supernatural stories and urban legends
  • Children face challenges and dangers while exploring books
  • They discover sinister secrets and face frightening creatures

What happens in the end?

Below we have a summary of what happens at the end of the anime Minjian Gui ShuWe have placed a Spoiler alert, just click below to display the content of the end of the work.

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Games, Movies, OVAs and Specials

See below the list of games available for different platforms related to anime: Minjian Gui Shu

Coming Soon

See below a list of OVAs, Specials, and Movies related to anime: Minjian Gui Shu

- Minjian Gui Shu: Pin Dou ni Shou Shu Sakusen (OVA) - Minjian Gui Shu: Guan Cao Hei Rong Zhi Tou (OVA)

The list may not contain all games, movies, OVAs, or specials. The work may also have not received any extras or be unavailable.

Meaning of Minjian Gui Shu

Let's look at the translation of each word and explanation of the anime's name: 

- 民间 (mínjiān) - means "popular" or "folkloric", referring to something that is traditional or common among the people. - 鬼 (guǐ) - means "demon" or "evil spirit", and is often associated with supernatural beings in Chinese and Japanese mythology. - 术 (shù) - means "art" or "skill", and is used to indicate mastery of a technique or practice. Meaning of the anime name "民间鬼术" - Although there is no specific anime associated with this name, we can infer that it would be an anime involving popular magical or supernatural abilities among the people with themes related to demons or evil spirits. It would be something like "Popular Art of Demons" or "Folkloric Magic of Spirits", presenting a narrative involving the practice of rituals or spells tied to folklore interpreted from a paranormal perspective.

See below some anime similar to Minjian Gui Shu

See also related articles


See below some external links like official website and MyAnimeList link:

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Minjian Gui Shu has a total of 50 episodes. This number may not represent all seasons.
You can watch the anime Minjian Gui Shu on Crunchyroll, Netflix, or any other streaming site where the work is available. Availability will depend on your current location.
The decision to produce new seasons of the anime Minjian Gui Shu usually depends on various factors, such as DVD/Blu-ray sales, merchandise, popularity of the original material. This information can be found throughout the page. The anime's popularity reached on "MyAnimeList" the following number of members: 23211