Anime that use scientific knowledge

Today with the range of anime created, we see that there is anime of various types. In this article we will address a specific case, anime with concepts of physics and chemistry. Let's talk about three anime in specific. Fullmetal Alchemist, Aldnoah Zero and Boku No Hero Academia.

This article was submitted through our form by someone nicknamed Naruto Olaf. Many thanks to the author of the article, we have revised and added some extra information for the reader. Hope everyone likes it.

Fullmetal alchemist

Synopsis: A very famous anime with 2 versions, the most recent and complete with 64 episodes that tells the story of 2 brothers who lose their mother and try to resuscitate her with alchemy, everything goes wrong and one loses his arm and leg and younger loses the body. The 2 go on a long journey after the philosopher's stone to retrieve their bodies as a massive conspiracy rages across the country. If you haven't watched this masterpiece yet, watch it! 

Anime that use scientific knowledge

The first is an anime that has alchemy as a background, this was a predecessor of current chemistry, but it covered other sciences as a whole, in which this was the union between the scientific and religious environments. There are reports that this science emerged in the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia.

She aimed to transform any metal into gold, the elixir of long life, they would achieve this with the philosopher's stone that was one of the reasons for so much study, the creation of humans in an artificial way. This way of practicing science soon collapsed, as it was hermetic and was isoteric, it was not like chemistry and science today where knowledge is available to anyone.

In the fullmetal alchemist world there is a law that governs every alchemist, if you want to obtain something, you will have to pay an equivalent price. This law is very similar to a statement by antoine de lavoisier that remains a phrase that everyone knows, “in nature nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed”, this implies saying that you cannot create something from nothing, need something that originates from the same thing or that serves as a basis. , and not completely destroy something.

My Hero Academia

Synopsis: A seemingly cliché superhero anime, but it has a great story and is among the most popular shounen today.

Anime that use scientific knowledge

Many of the powers present in this anime are explained by their holders in a scientific way, as in the case of the bakugou explaining its explosions because of a substance that it produces and controls its ignition and explodes. Or even in the case of the shout that his individuality in which one part of him creates ice and the other is flames, this can be explained as the ability he has to extract heat from one of his sides and thus become cold, he will stealing heat from the moisture in the air and thus condensing the water on your body and at the same time solidifying it. With this heat absorbed he can release this energy on his other side.

In a fight between shouto and midoriya, in their final clash, shouto decides to use his other half the hot side along with his cold side, in that they enter combat and end the battle with an explosion, teacher aisawa explains the air he had been cooled was heated all at once, causing this explosion. An explosion is basically a production of gas in a short space of time and the air expands proving an explosion.

Aldnoah Zero

Synopsis: Shows the political and war tensions between humans living on earth and others living in space. The anime is great and has one of the best soundtracks I've ever heard in my entire life composed by the myth Hiroyuki Sawano.

Inaho in this anime stands out for being an intelligent and strategist character, in most of his mecha fights, his mecha has inferior technology. He wins by being smart. In one of several episodes where he uses logic.

He is fighting a Martian Kataphrakt where he uses electricity to defend himself and attack others, he arrives at his Earth Kataphrakt and his opponent tries to use electricity and he says “electricity flows from the highest potential to the lowest, its rays will not hit anything with the same electrical potential as you.” He uses scientific knowledge to take advantage of his enemy, according to that for there to be a flow of electric current there must be a potential difference.

The article is still halfway through, but we recommend also reading:

Other anime that use scientific concepts

In the three anime discussed, we can see that there are many other scientific concepts to be studied. Not just in these three anime but in many others. Finally, let's go through a list of anime that use science as a basis:

  • Jardim Vermelho;
  • Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio;
  • Moyashimon;
  • Space Brothers;
  • Ergo Proxy;
  • Steamboy;
  • Kaiba;
  • Planets;
  • Terror in Resonance;
  • Chikyuu Shoujo Arjuna;
  • Steins;Gate

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