Sakura - City of Japan

On this page we present all the information, history, tourist attractions, attractions, and curiosities about the Japanese city: Sakura

Table of Content
- Information
- Location
- Tourism
- Nearby Cities
- Lodging


See below all the important information about the city: Sakura

  • Japanese name: 佐倉市
  • Romanization: Sakura
  • Province: Chiba
  • Population: 169059
  • Foundation: 1954
  • Country: Japan

Geolocation of Sakura

  • Latitude 35.7167
  • Longitude: 140.2167

Sakura - About the city

Below are the main information about the city "Sakura": 

Sakura is a Japanese city located in Chiba Prefecture. With a population of approximately 170,000, it is known for its natural beauty and rich history.

Sakura City has a quiet and peaceful atmosphere, with many green areas and open spaces. It is surrounded by mountains and rivers, providing picturesque scenery and stunning scenery. Additionally, Sakura is famous for its cherry blossom trees during spring, attracting visitors from all over the country to enjoy the beauty of sakura blossoms.

Sakura's history dates back centuries, with many historical and cultural sites to explore. Sakura Castle is one of the city's main tourist attractions, offering a view of traditional Japanese architecture and an opportunity to learn about the region's history. Additionally, there are several temples and shrines spread across the city where visitors can experience the spirituality and tranquility of ancient Japan.

The city is also known for its agriculture and fresh food production. Sakura's rice fields and farms provide a variety of high-quality agricultural products, including vegetables, fruits and tea. Visitors can enjoy authentic, healthy meals made with fresh, local ingredients.

Furthermore, Sakura has a well-developed infrastructure with a variety of shops, restaurants and leisure facilities. Residents and visitors can enjoy shopping, entertainment and recreational activities, making the city a pleasant place to live and visit.

In summary, Sakura is a charming Japanese city with stunning nature, rich history and a peaceful atmosphere. It is a popular destination for viewing sakura blossoms, exploring historic sites and enjoying local cuisine.
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Sakura - Location

See the location on Google Maps below and take the opportunity to trace your routes and visit highlights: 

Calculating distance from: Sakura

See below the distance of some cities in kilometers to: Sakura

  • Distance from Tokyo > Sakura:
  • Distance from Osaka > Sakura:
  • Distance from Kyoto > Sakura:
  • Distance from Hiroshima > Sakura:
  • Distance from Nagano > Sakura:
  • Distance from Hokkaido > Sakura:
  • Distance from Kumamoto (Kyushu) > Sakura:

Sakura - Tourist attractions

See some tourist attractions close to the city: Sakura

  • Meiji Shrine
  • Tokyo Disneyland
  • Tokyo Tower
  • Ginza District
  • Ueno Park

Cities Near Sakura

See cities near Sakura, that are located in the same province: Chiba

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Accommodation in Sakura

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