Jihanki Shokudo - Automatic Vending Machine Restaurant

In another article we talked about the strange automatic machines that exist in Japan. But in this article we are going to talk about different jidohanbaiki (自動販売機).

In Japan there are restaurants that serve food by automatic machines, these places are called Jihanki Shokudo (自販機食堂) a loving way of saying.

In a vending machine restaurant you will find machines that make sandwiches, hamburgers, ramen, soba, udon, drinks in bottles and other varieties of food.

These restaurants have no attendants, most of the time it is found empty. In addition it is cheap, fast and practical, the place is super clean and has places for you to deposit your garbage separately.

Jihanki shokudo - automatic vending machine restaurant

Food items usually range in price from 200 to 500 yen, and there are different varieties and flavors for you to choose from. The location also has Gachas (capsule machines) for you to get souvenirs from the area.

The time it takes for a meal to be ready is less than 1 minute. Visitors should be aware that the food is very hot.

In some of these restaurants you can still find old arcade machines for you to play for just 10 yen. It is worth remembering that the machines accept only coins, to facilitate there is a machine to exchange your notes for coins.

In this restaurant you will find all the utensils of a common restaurant, hashi, napkins, cutlery and you can't miss the coffee and green tea that are also found in machines.
Hanbaikishop In addition to the traditional tables, these restaurants usually have a reserved space in the traditional Japanese style, each restaurant has its exclusivity.

I hope you enjoyed the article! Have you ever had the chance to venture into these vending machine restaurants? Leave your comments and share with friends.

If you want to know more details about Jihanki Shokudo restaurants, we recommend the video below our daily Japan channel. With it you will see up close how these restaurants with automatic machines are and work.

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