Hanagoe - Japanese speaking with nose

Have you ever noticed in a store a Japanese man speaking with a nasal voice? Today we are going to talk about the bizarre Hanagoe, which refers to the nasal voice, a technique used by some employees at convenience stores and other Japanese businesses.

Hanagoe [鼻声] also called bisei and also bion [鼻音] refers to exaggerated nasality in speech, which is often common in some words and dialects, but which is also often seen in businesses, which scares some foreigners.

Some sales clerks, especially in convenience stores and Japanese supermarkets, will constantly greet customers with the usual 'Welcome' which means welcome, in addition to using other standard phrases throughout your shift...

Hanagoe - Japanese speaking with nose

No problem with that, but these greetings nasals in particular are extremely shallow and robotic, and the calls have been stylized away from the actual words into a single syllable or perhaps two, syllables through the nose in a long rising intonation.

Some employees are taught and encouraged to use the nasal voice or hanagoe to protect your vocal cords and create a “lively atmosphere”. The first impression is important, so the attendants put effort into the first word.

If you try to make a loud voice in the crowd, it will hurt your throat and it will ruin your voice. Humming or using your nose are techniques that prevent throat wear and allow for a louder, more accessible voice, but I personally don't know this technique.

Hanagoe - Japanese speaking with nose

It is said that the method used is to close your mouth and throat and pronounce a little without putting too much pressure on your stomach, and you will get that unique tone of voice. However, it shouldn't be an unpleasant mechanical voice, some Japanese strive for a beautiful voice.

Attendants are also encouraged to take care of their throat, keep it hydrated, use a local accent, always smile at the customer and wear a formal language and polite, changing the intonation according to the situation.

Did you have any idea about this? Had you already noticed the nasal voice of the Japanese in the store? If you liked the article share it and leave your comments.

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