Breaking apart songs – Zankoku Na Tenshi No Teeze

In today's dismembering music, we're going to study a very nostalgic and famous song. Zankoku Na Tenshi No Teeze (残酷な天使のテーゼ) Thesis of the Cruel Angel, the opening of the classic anime Evangelion who is turning 20 now in 2015.

Below we have the video with the song and its lyrics in Hiragana and Kanji, watch the video as many times as you want, then we will break it down. Don't forget to turn up the volume.

dismembering the letter

To facilitate the understanding of the kanji below, we recommend the Insert Furigana plugin (it exists for other browsers, just search, to activate it click on the icon that appears in the corner of the address bar.).

Some sentences are difficult to translate with any sense, so in some sentences, we will only leave the meaning of the words, try to understand on your own the message that the sentence wants to leave. Review, research, study, sing and do everything possible to enjoy the material below and improve your vocabulary.

残酷な天使のように 少年よ神話になれ

Like a cruel angel, boy, become a legend!

  • 残酷 - ざんこく = inhumanity, cruelty
  • 天使 - てんし = Angel
  • ように = how
  • 少年 - しょうねん = Boy, Young, Boy
  • 神話 - しんわ = Myth, Legend
  • になれ = become

蒼い風がいま 胸のドアを叩いても

now the blue wind blows at the doors of my heart.

  • 青い - あおい = Blue
  • - かぜ = Wind
  • いま - 今 = Now
  • - むね = Chest, Heart
  • ドア = port
  • 叩い - たたい = Hit
  • ても = even


You just watch me and smile.

  • 私だけ – わたしだけ = Only Me, Only Me
  • ただ見つめて = Staring (見 = Gaze)
  • 微笑んで - ほほえんで = Smiling

そっと触れるもの 求めることに夢中で

something shudders as it seeks what it craves.

  • そっと = gently, quietly
  • 触れる - ふれる = Touch
  • もの = thing
  • 求める = seek, ask, seek
  • こと = thing
  • 夢中= Passion, delirium, deep dream

運命さえまだ知らない いたいけな瞳

their eyes are so innocent, they don't even know their fate.

  • 運命 - うんめい - Destiny
  • さえ = even
  • まだ = still
  • 知らない - しらない - I don't know, don't know, don't know
  • いたいけ = not guilty
  • - ひとみ - Eyes, pupils

だけどいつか気付くでしょう その背中には

but someday you'll notice what's on your back

  • だけどいつか = but(however) one day (someday = いつか)
  • 気付くでしょう = notice, you will notice (気付 - きつけ = Be careful)
  • その背中 - そのせなか = The back, your back


those strong wings that take you to a distant future.

  • 遙か - はるか = Distant
  • 未来 - みらい = Future
  • 目指すため – めさすため = Aim for, destination, goal
  • 羽根 - はね - Wing
  • あること = to a / place

残酷な天使のテーゼ 窓辺からやがて飛び立つ

The thesis of a cruel angel will soon fly out the window.

  • テーゼ  = thesis, statement, theory
  • 窓辺 – まどべ= Through the window (窓 = Window 辺 = area, region)
  • からやがて = Soon from (やがて = soon)
  • 飛び立つ - とびたつ = Fly out, jump

ほとばしる熱いパトスで 思い出を裏切るなら

if there is a torrent of warm emotions, it will betray your memories.

  • 迸る - ほとばしる = arise, sprout, gush
  • 熱い - あつい = Hot
  • パトス = Strong feelings of movement, passion
  • 思い出 = memories
  • 裏切る = Betray (+なら= betray yours, betray yourself)

この宇宙を抱いて輝く 少年よ神話になれ

hold on to this sky and shine, boy, become a legend!

  • この = This one
  • 宇宙 - うちゅう = Space
  • 抱いて - だいて = Grabbing, Embracing
  • 輝く - かがやく = Shining

ずっと眠ってる 私の愛の揺りかご

sleeping too long in my love's cradle,

  • ずっと = Very, always, long period
  • 眠ってる - ねむってる = Sleep
  • 私の愛 = my love
  • 揺りかご = crib


only you are called by the dream messenger when morning comes.

  • あなただけが = only you, only you
  • - ゆめ = Dream
  • 使者 - ししゃ = Messenger
  • 呼ばれる = call
  • - あさ = Morning
  • 来る= Come 朝が来る = (Come morning, come morning)

細い首筋を 月あかりが映してる

moonlight reflects off her slender neck.

  • 細い - ほそい = Thin
  • 首筋 - くびすじ = Neck
  • 月あかり = moonlight
  • 映してる - うつしてる= Reflect, project


wanted to stop time all over the world, and confine it.

  • 世界中 – せかいじゅう = Everybody, whole world
  • - とき = Time
  • 止め - とめ = Stop
  • 閉じこめ = to lock up, imprison, confine
  • たいけど = I want


if there is any meaning in our meeting

  • もし = if
  • ふたり - 二人 = Two people, the two of us, couple
  • 逢えたこと = meeting, meet
  • 意味 - いみ = Meaning
  • あるなら = if there is, if there is

私はそう 自由を知るためのバイブル

I will know for myself through the BIBLE

  • 私はそう = I then
  • 自由= freedom, ease
  • バイブル = bible
  • 知るための = to know

残酷な天使のテーゼ 悲しみがそしてはじまる

The thesis of a cruel angel and suffering begins,

  • 悲しみ - かなしみ = Sadness
  • そして = and (and)
  • はじまる - 始まる - Beginning, begin

抱きしめた命のかたち その夢に目覚めたとき

with the way of life that you cling to when you wake up from that dream.

  • 抱き - だき = Embrace (しめた = past)
  • - いのち = Life
  • かたち = shape
  • その夢 = The dream, that dream, of that dream
  • 目覚め -めさめ = Awaken, wake up (+ とき = When)

誰よりも光を放つ 少年よ神話になれ

will shine brighter than anyone, boy, become a legend!

  • 誰より = anyone
  • - ひかり = Light, shine
  • 放つ – はなつ = Shoot (let it shine, create a light)


People, while weaving love, build their story

  • 人は愛 = People + Love, it depends on the context how to translate...
  •  つむぎながら = As they weave, sew, weave
  • 歴史 - れきし = History
  • つくる = make, create

女神なんてなれないまま 私は生きる

Unable to become a goddess, I go on living

  • 女神 - めがみ = Goddess
  • なんてなれないまま = Not being able to become
  • 生きる = live, I will live

残酷な天使のテーゼ 窓辺からやがて飛び立つ

The thesis of a cruel angel will soon fly out the window.

ほとばしる熱いパトスで 思い出を裏切るなら

If there is a torrent of warm emotions, it will betray your memories.

この宇宙を抱いて輝く 少年よ神話になれ

hold on to this sky and shine, boy, become a legend!

I spent 3 hours making this article, thanks for the comments and shares. Whenever possible, I recommend reviewing this article and the vocabularies to make it easier for you to learn and help you record the words and phrases.

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