Father's Day in Japan - Chichi no Hi

Father's Day in Japan is celebrated on the third week of June, while in Brazil we celebrate it on the second Sunday of August. In Japan this date is called chichi no hi (父の日). In this article, we will see some curiosities about this date and how it is celebrated in Japan.

Father's Day in Japan became popular around 1950. In Japan this date is celebrated discreetly, families usually honor parents and in-laws and give small gifts such as ties, drinks, food or something that the father likes. Some children often make drawings, origami or give a bouquet of roses. Others usually take their parents out to eat at a fancy restaurant where they serve wagyu meat, or to drink Sake.

The role of parents in Japan

Japan's parents are like any other country, some are fun, quiet, serious and angry. Like any parent, they want to see their children grow up and want to take good care of them.

Father's Day

Some parents tend to be a little absent, mostly because they work a lot. Some Japanese said that they used to see their father only 3 times a week. Of course it shouldn't be generalized, in the house where I stayed I noticed the father taking a lot of time to care for and play with his daughters, a beautiful scene that I rarely witness.

Other parents are usually absent but they always support their children even after they are adults. This can be a big problem that generates troublesome people called Hikikomori or Neet. There is also the typical father who wants to define his son's destiny and path, many guide the son to continue or follow the same family career.

Father's Day in Japanese

There are two ways to say father in Japanese, which is 父 (chichi) which refers to one's own father and お父さん (otoosan) which is most often used to refer to other people's father. Children also often speak パパ (papa). To finish the article we will leave 2 sentences related to fathers day.


  • Happy Father's Day;
  • Happy Father's Day.


  • Dad, thank you always;
  • Father, thank you for everything;

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