Japan's Jinrikisha - Exploring the Country in a Riquixá

For those who don't know, rickshaw is a human-powered means of transport in which a person pulls a two-wheeled cart that accommodates one or two more people. This means of transport is very popular in Asia and other countries, including the name rickshaw originated from the Japanese jinrikisha.

The word jinrikisha (人力車) literally means human-powered vehicle (人 jin =human, 力 riki=traction, 車 sha=vehicle). It is very common to find these vehicles in different parts of Japan in tourist spots such as Kyoto, Nara and even Tokyo.

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Jinrikisha's History

Jinrikisha appeared in Japan around 1868, at the beginning of the Meiji Restoration. They became a popular means of transport as they were faster than the sedan chairs previously used (they had no wheels) and human labor was considerably cheaper than using horses. By 1872, around 40,000 rickshaws were being used in Tokyo.

Jinrikisha - rickshaw in Japan

The origin of the jinrikisha is uncertain, it is possible to find a painting with these vehicles from the year 1707, others claim that it was created by an American evangelical pastor in 1888. Some sources quote the American blacksmith Albert Tolman, others claim that it was Jonathan Scobie.

Experience with Jinrikisha

The rickshaw is pulled by a man who is called shafu in Japanese. It is possible to find a jinrikisha at any season of the year, including in winter where they provide a blanket.

The advantage of visiting a tourist spot with jinrikisha is that the shafu know all the sights in the place, even the most unknown ones. They also serve as a guide and guide and take away your curiosities. In addition, you calmly enjoy the view and landscape, in addition to having the experience of being treated like royalty in your carriage.

Jinrikisha - rickshaw in Japan

The price for riding a rickshaw in Japan will vary depending on the time and route you choose. It can take anywhere from 10 minutes to over an hour. Prices can range from 3,000 yen to 30,000 yen 3 (hours).

Riding in a rickshaw is a unique experience that you should not miss. With jinrikisha you have a comfortable ride, a guide. besides being able to take nice pictures.

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