Facts about smoking cigarettes or tobacco in Japan

In this article, we will look at facts about cigarettes and tobacco in Japan and some labels for smokers. We will see a little about the customs and culture that the Japanese have of smoking cigarettes, and also some words and related vocabulary in Japanese.

Cigarette or tobacco is part of the life of a large number of Japanese, and some may imagine that Japan has its strange rules and customs regarding cigarettes. In the Japanese language, the cigarette is called tabako [たばこ].

Facts about smoking cigarettes or tobacco in Japan

The History of Smoking in Japan

Why do we talk about tobacco? Japan is a country with many smokers, it was even called a smoker's paradise. More than 25% of the Japanese population smoked, only that number has been decreasing to below 20% thanks to government encouragement.

Smoking has been around for many years in Japan, the Shogun even had some specific ideas about creating a formal ceremony or ritual for tobacco (as well as the tea ceremony). Smoking a cigarette in Japan even has a large number of customs and rules.

All about smoking cigarettes or tobacco in japan

In the past the Shogun has suggested that when smoking a tobacco offered by a host, you should not smoke until the host has entered the room. When the host offers the cigarette you can say, “After you”, just like in the tea ceremony. In Japan the host can offer a pipe, remember to show humility and thanks.

The Japanese Government was the only tobacco company in Japan until 1985. Even today the Japanese Government manufactures over 60% of cigarettes in Japan and owns several Asian brands.

Curiosities about Tobacco or Cigarette in Japan

For decades, the government has presented posters with suggestions on behavior for smokers. Japan has also made several laws and suggestions such as:

  • Japan suggests using portable ashtrays;
  • The obvious suggests that smoking causes health problems;
  • Suggest appropriate social behaviors such as smoking;
  • Smoking is prohibited on the central streets of large cities;
  • People under 20 years old are not allowed to smoke without parental authorization.
  • There are designated smoking areas, even on the streets;
  • Smoking in prohibited places can get you fined;
All about smoking cigarettes or tobacco in japan

A cigarette can be bought at any convenience store, market, vending machine for about 420 yen (12 reais). A touch-sensitive ashtray can be purchased for just 100 yen at convenience stores.

Some night restaurants, bars and izakaya allow you to smoke. The smoking rate is around 19.3%. Being 29.7% for men and 9.7% for women.

Facts about smoking cigarettes or tobacco in Japan

Rules and Etiquette for Smokers in Japan

In April 2020, a smoking law came into effect, banning smoking indoors. Exceptions are private homes, hotel rooms, bars and some restaurants with specific locations or open before the law was passed.

In Japan you cannot smoke on trains, buses and planes. In some trains and stations there are small ventilated areas that allow smoking.

Many cities prohibit smoking on the streets in busy neighborhoods, except in designated smoking areas. Smoking is also prohibited on the platforms of most major railway stations, except in designated smoking rooms.

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Cigarettes in Japan are not bad?

Research shows that the Japanese smoke more than Americans, but still the rate of lung cancer is much lower. The risk of a smoker getting lung cancer in Japan is 4 while in America and Europe it ranges from 8 to 19.

Researchers claim that this is due to the custom of the Japanese to smoke 10 to 15% minus a cigarette. Is this ironic because Japanese people don't leave food on their plate, but they don't completely finish the cigarette? Another key factor is that many Japanese people start smoking after the legal age (20 years) or even later.

While 70% of Americans start smoking before they turn 20. Japan also has a healthy diet, the custom of drink tea every day helps to alleviate some problems that smoking causes. Japanese culture is apparently an antioxidant.

Facts about smoking cigarettes or tobacco in Japan

Other factors may be involved, such as the origin and manufacture of tobacco. Nowadays electronic cigarettes have become popular in Japan, but their price is close to 10,000 yen (60 USD), but they are found in convenience stores.

Don't let the fact that cigarettes are less harmful in Japan stop you from fighting tobacco addiction. There are numerous damages in addition to health, such as dependence and the financial expenses of maintaining the addiction.

Words Related to smoking in Japanese

To end the article, we are going to leave a list of words related to smoking and cigarettes in the Japanese language. I hope you enjoyed the article, if you liked it share and leave your comments.

light a cigarette タバコに火を付ける tabako ni hi wo tsukeru
blessed 煙草の吸い残り tabako no sui nokori
mouthpiece シガレットフォルダー shigaretto forudā
smoking pipe パイプ paipu
matchbox マッチ箱 macchi bako
cigar 葉巻 hamaki
cigarette case シガレットケース shigaretto kēsu
cigarette タバコ tabako
Grey hai
ashtray 灰皿 haizara
filter フィルター firutā
smoker 喫煙者 kitsuen sha
smoke 喫煙する kitsuen suru
smoke kemuri
matches マッチ macchi
lighter ライター raitā
pack hako
tobacco タバコ[煙草] tabako
smoking 喫煙 kitsuen

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