100 Japanese words about politics

In this article, we will expand our vocabulary with terms related to politics and the government. The Japanese language is quite rich and the amount of words directed to this theme is quite extensive.

The list can be modified as new words are suggested by you. So comment on a word we forgot.

Throughout the history of skdesu.com, several articles have been written on the subject. Among these articles, one of them we highly recommend that you read, about the visits of the Presidents of Brazil to Japan, clicking here.

Japan's Politics - How Does the Government Work?
Shinzo Abe, famous former prime minister of Japan

So let's go!

Policy Vocabulary

Political campaigns, parties and elections in japan
  • 政治 - せいじ - Seiji - Politics.
  • 政治家 - せいじか - Seijika - Politician (the profession).
  • 資本主義 - しほんしゅぎ - Shihonshugi - Capitalism.
  • 共産主義 - きょうさんしゅぎ - Kyousanshugi - Communism.
  • 社会主義 - しゃかいしゅぎ - Shakaishugi - Socialism.
  • 自由主義 - じゆうしゅぎ - Jiyuushugi - Liberalism.
  • 主義 - しゅぎ - Shugi - Ideology, Doctrine, Thesis.
  • 選挙 - せんきょ - Senkyo - Election.
  • リードする - Riido suru - To lead (a survey, a dispute, an election).
  • 立候補する - りっこうほする - Rikkouho Suru - Apply.
  • 立候補者 - りっこうほしゃ - Rikkouhosha - Candidate.
  • 候補 - こうほ - Kouho - Candidate.
  • 政党 - せいとう - Seitou - Political Party.
  • 党派 - とうは - Touha - Party, Faction, Ward.
  • 与党 - よとう - Yotou - Situation Party, Government Party.
  • 野党 - やとう - Yatou - The opposition Party.
  • 投票 - とうひょう - Touhyou - Voting.
  • 選挙権 - せんきょけん - Senkyoken - The vote (the right).
  • 投票する - とうひょうする - Touhyou Suru - Vote.
  • 汚職 - おしょく - Oshoku - Corruption.
  • 堕落 - だらく - Daraku - Dirt, Corruption, Depravity, Degeneration.
  • 政府 - せいふ - Seifu - Government.
  • 右翼 - うよく - Uyoku - Right.
  • 左翼 - さよく - Sayoku - Left.
  • 共和党 - きょうわとう - Kyouwatou - Republican Party (in US politics).
  • 民主党 - みんしゅとう - Minshutou - Democratic Party (in US politics).
  • 保守党 - ほしゅとう - Hoshutou - Conservative Party (Japan, Canada, etc).
  • 公明党 - こうめいとう - Koumeitou - Koumei Party (is a Japanese political party that is based on the ideas of the association known as Soka Gakkai).
  • 創価学会 - そうかがっかい - Soukagakkai - Soka Gakkai (It is a religion and political party based on the ideas of a Buddhist monk named Nichiren).
  • 自民党 - じみんとう - Jimintou - Liberal Party (Abbreviated).
  • 自由民主党 - じゆうみんしゅとう - Jiyuuminshutou - Liberal Party.
  • 社会党 - しゃかいとう - Shakaitou - Socialist Party.
  • 共産党 - きょうさんとう - Kyousantou - Communist Party.
  • 議会 - ぎかい - Gikai - Parliament.
  • 国会 - こっかい - Kokkai - Diet (name of the Japanese parliament).
  • 知事 - ちじ - Chiji - Governor.
  • 共和制、共和政 - きょうわせい - Kyouwasei - Republic.
  • 君主制、君主政 - くんしゅせい - Kunshusei - Monarchy.
  • 独裁 - どくさい - Dokusai - Dictatorship.
  • 独裁者 - どくさいしゃ - Dokusaisha - Dictator, Despotic Ruler.
  • 独裁政治 - どくさいせいじ - Dokusaiseiji - Dictatorial, Despotic Government.
  • 民主主義 - みんしゅしゅぎ - Minshushugi - Democracy.
  • 民主化 - みんしゅか - Minshuka - Democratization.
  • 民主化運動 - みんしゅかうんどう - Minshukaundou - Democratic Movement.
  • リーダー - Riidaa - Leader.
  • 国家元首 - こっかげんしゅ - Kokkagenshu - Head of State.
  • 有力政治家 - ゆうりょくせいじか - Yuuryokuseijika - Influential politician, statesman.
  • 少数派 - しょうすうは - Shousuuha - The Minority.
  • 多数派 - たすうは - Tasuuha - The Majority.
  • 政略 - せいりゃく - Seiryaku - Political maneuver.
  • 革命 - かくめい - Kakumei - Revolution.
  • 大乱 - たいらん - Tairan - Rebellion, Great Uprising.
  • 暴動 - ぼうどう - Boudou - Insurrection, Uprising, Rebellion, Insurgency.
  • デモ - Demo - Protest.
  • 紛争 - ふんそう - Funsou - Conflict, Dispute.
  • 紛争解決 - ふんそうかいけつ - Funsoukaiketsu - Resolution of a Conflict.
  • 人権 - じんけん - Jinken - Human Rights.
  • 積極主義 - せっきょくしゅぎ - Sekkyokushugi - Activism.
  • 遺産 - いさん - Isan - Legacy, Inheritance.
  • 歴史的 - れきしてき - Rekishiteki - History.
  • 歴史的に - れきしてきに - Rekishiteki ni - Historically.
  • 圧迫 - あっぱく - Appaku - Oppression, Suppression.
  • 上院議会 - じょういんぎかい - Jouingikai - The Senate.
  • 上院議員 - じょういんぎいん - Jouingiin - Senator.
  • 衆議院 - しゅうぎいん - Shuugiin - House of Representatives. 480 members.
  • 参議院 - さんぎいん - Sangiin - Chamber of Councillors. 242 members.
  • 世論調査 - よろんちょうさ - Yoronchousa - Public Opinion Poll.
  • 厚生 - こうせい - Kousei - Social Welfare.
  • 内閣 - ないかく - Naikaku - Cabinet (It is the executive body of the Japanese government. It is composed of the prime minister and ministers of state).
  • 支持率 - しじりつ - Shijiritsu - Approval rating (of a politician in relation to the population).
  • 大衆性 - たいしゅうせい - Taishuusei - Popularity.
  • 不平等 - ふびょうどう - Fubyoudou - Inequality.
  • 平等 - びょうどう - Byoudou - Equality, Equity.
  • 演説 - えんぜつ - Enzetsu - Speech.
  • 演説者 - えんぜつしゃ - Enzetsusha - Speaker.
  • 演説家 - えんぜつか - Enzetsuka - Speaker.
  • 権威者 - けいんしゃ - Keinsha - Authority.
  • 言論の自由 - げんろんのじゆう - Genron no Jiyuu - Freedom of Expression.
  • 総理大臣 - そうりだいじん - Souridaijin - Prime Minister of Japan.
  • 大臣 - だいじん - Daijin - Minister, Chief of Staff.
  • 選挙戦 - せんきょせん - Senkyosen - Election Campaign, Election Dispute.
  • 選挙民 - せんきょみん - Senkyomin - Electorate, Electors.
  • 選挙資金 - せんきょしきん - Senkyoshikin - Election Fund.
  • 選挙人名簿 - せんきょにんめいぼ - Senkyoninmeibo - Electoral Registration.
  • 選挙法 - せんきょほう - Senkyohou - Electoral Law.
  • 選挙対策 - せんきょたいさく - Senkyo taisaku - Campaign Strategy.
  • 陣営 - じんえい - Jin'ei - Faction (political), Ideological Belief, Political side.
  • 大統領 - だいとうりょう - Daitouryou - President of the Republic.
  • 元大統領 - もとだいとうりょう - Moto Daitouryou - Former President of the Republic.
  • 副大統領 - ふくだいとうりょう - Fuku Daitouryou - Vice President.
  • 省 - しょう - Shou - Ministry.
  • 透明 - とうめい - Toumei - Clarity, Transparency.
  • 大衆 - たいしゅう - Taishuu - Popular, the general population, the masses.
  • 北大西洋条約機構 - きたたいせいようじょうやくきこう - Kitataiseiyoujouyakukikou - NATO.
  • 経済発展 - けいざいはってん - Keizai Hatten - Economic Development.
  • 危機 - きき - Kiki - Crisis.
  • 儀式 - ぎしき - Guishiki - Ceremony, Rite.
  • 即位式 - そくいしき - Sokuishiki - Enthronement Ceremony (Coronation).
  • 即位の礼 - そくいのれい - Sokui no rei - Ceremony, Coronation Celebration.
  • 権力 - けんりょく - Kenryoku - Power (political), Influence, Authority.
  • 不景気 - ふけいき - Fukeiki - Downturn in the Economy, Recession.
  • 助成金 - じょせいきん - Joseikin - Fund, Subsidy, Aid.
  • 補助金 - ほじょきん - Hojokin - Subsidy, Aid.
  • 政治犯 - せいじはん - Seijihan - Corrupt politician, Political criminal.
  • 失業 - しつぎょう - Shitsugyou - Unemployment.
  • Discover 100 essential Japanese words about politics and enrich your vocabulary! Ideal for students and enthusiasts of Japanese culture. Click and learn with ease!

If you want to learn phrases about politics in Japanese, you can access the article by Professor Charles from the Online Japanese Program on the website classesdejaponês.com.br by clicking on the link to the side: Politics in Japan (aulasdejapones.com.br)

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