What is the Kyoto treaty or protocol?

The natural disasters that happen in Japan, Asia and around the world could be much smaller if human beings did not destroy the earth. Throughout human history, governments try to make agreements to end global warming and other natural problems, one of them is the famous Kyoto protocol or Kyoto treaty.

The Kyoto Protocol is an international treaty that aims to make developed countries commit to reducing greenhouse gases, to reduce the impacts caused by global warming. Discussions are also held to establish goals and projects that do not harm the Planet.

It all started with conferences to discuss the environment in Toronto in 1988, but it was only in 1997 in another conference held in Kyoto in Japan, this protocol was proposed, which was called the Kyoto Protocol, but things are not easy for world bureaucracy.

What is the Kyoto Protocol or Kyoto Treaty?

Who signed the Kyoto Protocol?

55 countries responsible for 55% of the world's pollution were required to sign this treaty. Unfortunately, the US did not accept the agreement, claiming that this protocol could threaten the US economy. The Kyoto protocol only came into force on February 16, 2005, shortly after Russia entered the agreement in November 2004.

Virtually most countries have ratified or signed the Kyoto protocol. For those who do not know the difference between signing and rectifying, when a country signs a treaty it commits to complying with the agreement, if it ratifies it is affirming that the country's legislature is consistent with the requirements of the agreement.

By the end of 2009 most countries had ratified the Kyoto protocol, both Japan and Brazil and most countries only managed to ratify its signature in 2002. The countries were divided into 2 groups with different obligations called Annex 1 (countries developed) and not Annex 1 (developing countries).

What is the Kyoto Protocol or Kyoto Treaty?

What did the Kyoto Protocol involve?

Each country had a different obligation, but it all boils down to reducing at least 5% of pollutants through reforms in the energy and transport sectors, using alternative and sustainable energy sources, eliminating inappropriate mechanisms, limiting the emission of methane and other gases and protecting the forest and environment.

In order for developed countries to comply with what was imposed in the Protocol, they would have to drastically reduce emissions, which would harm economic growth, which is why President George W. Bush refused to sign the treaty, and also called the treaty unfair because developing countries do not have so many requirements.

The treaty expired in 2012, but was soon extended to 2020. Some countries try to extinguish the treaty, in 2017 one of the most discussed things was the release of CO2 resulting from uncontrolled deforestation in several countries such as our forest Amazon.

Of the actions presented to comply with the treaty, there are three Flexibility Mechanisms: (1) Joint Implementation [CI] to create projects, (2) Emissions Trading or International Emissions Trading and (3) Clean Development Mechanism [CDM] that consists of sustainable projects to reduce polluting gases.

What is the Kyoto Protocol or Kyoto Treaty?

Other treaties involving the environment

The position of the US and some other countries in relation to the Kyoto Protocol is quite sad and questionable. Another very sad thing is to see the delay of the whole process and the results don't seem to be enough. Fortunately, there are other agreements in place with several other countries.

Yes, there are several other international treaties and agreements aimed at reducing pollution and protecting the environment. In this article we talk about the Kyoto Treaty which has a little relationship with Japan, resulting in a wider reach. We will end by listing other agreements and treaties related to the environment.

This was my attempt to summarize the Kyoto Protocol or Treaty in a simple and easy way for the site's readers. There are still many deep things you can research about this all-important Kyoto treaty and the others we are going to list. Thanks for the comments and shares!

  • Agenda 21;
  • Bona Convention;
  • OSPAR Convention;
  • Environmental Protection Protocol of the Antarctic Treaty;
  • Stockholm Conference;
  • Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer;
  • Stockholm Convention;
  • Annapolis Protocol;
  • Montreal Protocol;
  • Eco-92;

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