Black Clover – Curiosities, Season, Characters and Spoilers

Black Clover is one of the most popular anime at the moment, with a huge demand rate in recent years. Many are in doubt about arcs, new season releases, characters, trivia and spoilers, so we created this Guide.

Basic information about Black Clover

For those who don't know, below we will share some information about the Black Clover work as a Synopsis and other technical data:

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information about the anime:

Responsive Table: Scroll the table sideways with your finger >>
DirectorTatsuya Yoshihara
screenwritersKazuyuki Fudeyasu
Music and OSTMinako Seki
animation studioPierrot
television stations TV Tokyo Rede Brasil
Broadcasters in Brazil Rede Brasil, Cartoon Network (possibly)
Release date ofOctober 3, 2017
episodes and seasons156+ (4 seasons)

Manga information:

Responsive Table: Scroll the table sideways with your finger >>
AuthorYūki Tabata
Lusophone publishingBR Panini Group
PrintJump Comics
MagazinesWeekly Shōnen Jump
Publication dateFebruary 16, 2015 – present

Is Black Clover worth watching?

After great anime like Naruto, One Piece, Fairy Tail and Bleach, Black Clover is what we have to list with its more than 150 episodes and guaranteed sequels. The big problem is the Pierrot studio that bothers some anime fans for its rushing way.

In the beginning Black Clover generated a lot of repercussions because of its animation and team, but luckily things got better with time and it has an acceptable animation and a great soundtrack. if you like anime with magic Black Clover might be a great option for you.

The anime even received a Portuguese dub which further boosted its success in Brazil. Throughout its four seasons, the anime has conquered more and more viewers. All this in a medieval setting full of magic and ancient architecture.

The anime has some filler or filler that makes it possible for some to even skip arcs. The anime is created along the same lines as Naruto, Tokyo Ghoul and Bleach to conquer the same demand for success using some shounen clichés.

Black clover - curiosities, season, characters and spoilers

Black Clover facts

Asta our protagonist has a childhood crush on a nun named Lily, he was born without magic and this encouraged him to become muscular, being the second most muscular person in the anime behind only Yami Sukehiro. Luckily our protagonist is the only one currently able to wield the anti-magic swords.

Yuno is compared to Sasuke from Naruto for his air of mystery, becoming one of the favorite characters in the work, but unfortunately his development is not one of the best. Asta is also compared to naruto for his loud voice and other similar aspects that makes him a mixed bag of criticism. The loud and assertive voice makes the character a best seller.

Although many despise him, Asta is loved by three girls. The first girl is Noelle, her teammate, then Mimosa, the Golden Dawn member, and Rebecca, the town girl.

What few know is that the character's full name is Asta Staria which was revealed in Black Clover's One-Shot. This was not disclosed in the anime, generating some theories that his name is Astaroth the name of a Demon.

Black Clover was actually supposed to be a sequel to a manga. shonen previous one where the young Yami would be the protagonist. In the end, Black Clover was published and Yami was included in the work as a secondary character.

Ever wondered why Asta has no Magic? The Witch Queen said that the reason he has no magic is due to a genetic mutation, a mutation that could have occurred in his mothers womb as a defense against her draining her magic, allowing him to be born.

Black clover - curiosities, season, characters and spoilers

The article is still halfway through, but we recommend also reading:

Black Clover Sequels and New Seasons

Black Clover is a successful anime made by Pierrot that often releases hundreds of episodes of anime. So as long as you have original material to adapt, we'll always have a new season in a maximum one-year waiting period.

The big problem is that in the fourth season of Black Clover the anime is very close to the manga, if that happens maybe the adaptation will be delayed a little or generate new filers. Despite this, rumors of a fifth season claim to be in late 2021.

Black Clover usually has a lot of filler to fill in the gaps until it gets to the manga. By having many captivating characters the work manages to extend a lot with secondary stories. There are factors that could delay the fifth season to 2022, but it is not necessary to think that the anime will stop without any sequel.

Black clover - curiosities, season, characters and spoilers

Black Clover spoilers

Below we'll see a brief series of shocking spoilers for the curious who want to know but don't intend to read the manga.

Black Clover Chapter 233 to 268 Spoilers

Chapter 233: Yuno is greeted by Ralph of the Spade Kingdom, who is on the run from the Dark Triad. He then tells Yuno that he is not only from the Spade Kingdom, but also a royal prince from the Grinberryall family!

Chapter 234: Yuno got a good look at the past through Ralph's Memory Magic of how he was delivered to Hage Village by Ralph's father fleeing the Dark Triad, but that doesn't explain Asta who was delivered there with Yuno. The Golden Dawn is under attack from the Spade Kingdom led by one of the three Zenons of the Dark Triad!

Chapter 237Just as things were improving for Yuno, Klaus, and Letoile, who defeated two of the Dark Disciples while surviving; William falls to Zenon in what seems to be a full-blown battle!

Chapter 238: Klaus and Letoile are mortally wounded and possibly killed in the process by Zeno, and so Zenon just uses 55% of your Devil's power to contain Yuno, which is in Spirit Dive and with the Sword of Zephyr spell absolutely! When Ralph arrives, William has been taken away and Yuno is dying while impaled by Zenon's bone sword. Golden Dawn were totally crushed by the power of the Kingdom of Swords.

Chapter 255: Vanica successfully captures Lolopechka and detonates the devil's power in her Dark Disciples, turning them into bombs. The panels show giant explosions that destroy much of the Heart Realm.

Chapter 260: Although he manages to defeat Dante after a grueling battle with Asta's help, Yami is captured by Zenon despite the Black Bulls' efforts. Now the Dark Triad has the mages needed to form the Tree of Qliphoth and bring demons into the living world.

Chapter 268: The revelation of why Asta's Demon, named Liebe, was in Licht's grimoire. The lowest of the low due to not having any magic, he somehow survived by hitting the gate that separates the Underworld from the humans and found himself in the human world. He was eventually adopted by Licita, Asta's mother, who left Asta at the church due to his body's condition, believing it would be harmful to the newborn. Liebe was later possessed by Lucifero, who then fatally attacked Licita to take control of Liebe's body. He was driven away and, as a last resort, to save Liebe from further possession of Luciferus, Licita sealed him inside Licht's grimoire before dying. Liebe's ultimate goal is to kill the entire Devil race, even if he has to use Asta's body to do so.

Watch the Black Clover Manga

We recommend you to buy Black Clover volumes from our partner Amazon, there you will find other products such as PS4 boards and games.

List of Black Clover Characters

Below is a complete list of most Black Clover characters:

Kingdom of Clover characters

House Kira characters
Augustus Kira Clover XIII Damnatio Kira Finesse Calmreich
House Silva characters
Acier Silva Nozel Silva Nebra Silva Solid Silva Noelle Silva Paplo Foam
House Vermillion characters
Mereoleona Vermillion Fuegoleon Vermillion Leopold Vermillion Kirsch Vermillion Mimosa Vermillion
House Adlai characters
Gauche Adlai ★ Marie Adlai House Boismortier Rill's Mother Rill Boismortier Walter
House Boismortier characters
Rill's Mother Rill Boismortier Walter
House Vaude characters
Ledior Vaude ★ Liliane Vaude Finral Roulacase Langris Vaude
House Freese characters 
Lord Freese Karna Freese
Ordinary Families - Agrippa Family
Nathan Agrippa ★ Jonna Agrippa Gordon Agrippa Roxanne Agrippa Nilenia Agrippa Nunnally
Black clover - curiosities, season, characters and spoilers

Magic Knights Squads

Magic Emperor
- Lemiel Silvamillion Clover - 1st - Julius Novachrono - 28th
Golden Dawn
- William Vangeance ★ - Alecdora Sandler - Klaus Lunettes - Yuno - David Swallow - Letoile Becquerel - Sylph - Siren Tium - Hamon Caseus
Silver Eagle
- Nozel Silva ★ - Rob Vitesse - Curtis Warren - Nils Ragus - Simon - Kyle - Mohl
Crimson Lion
- Fuegoleon Vermillion ★ - Randall Luftair - Ben Benfunk - Gareth - Rokken - Ruben Chagar - Fort Gris - Theresa Rapual - Goht - Salamander
Blue Rose
- Charlotte Roselei ★ - Puli Angel - Sol Marron - Borja - Wainsley - Risacca Ondell - Selena - Galgaria
peacock coral
- Dorothy Unsworth ★ - Rick Cornell - Dmitri Brint - Medium - Roland - Brad - Protobe Collina
Azure Deer
- Rill Boismortier ★ - Fragil Tormenta - Cesc - Francis - Eric - Yami Sukehiro - William Vangeance - Marx Francois - Cob Portaport - Nacht
Green Mantis
- Jack the Ripper ★ - En Ringard - Willie - Nix - Sekke Bronzazza
Purple Orca
- Kaiser Granvorka ★ - Xerx Lugner - Adrian - Gaston - Winston - Digit Taliss - Gueldre Poizot - Revchi Salik - Rades Spirito - Zara Ideale
Black Bull
- Yami Sukehiro ★ - Charmy Pappitson - Gauche Adlai - Zora Ideale - Asta - Vanessa Enoteca - Gray - Magna Swing - Luck Voltia - Henry Legolant - Secre Swallowtail
- Jamo - Owen - Marx Francois - Cob Portaport
No Affiliation
Lily Aquaria Orsi Orfai Recca Nash Aruru Hollo Drouot Salim Hapshass Seihi Nick Anna Abra Babra Cabra Dabra Fifth bandit Luck's mother Elica Ellen Rebecca Scarlet Aphro Phati Marco Scarlet Neige Baro Balmain Karen Lapis Eliza Zakkeroni Ina Ina's father Kaito Kaito's father Makusa North Gepard Vide Meshu Maggie Licita
Devil Banishers
Dazu Tayak Bow Nocde Kabwe Carillon Siona Caverly Onoby Sinho

Characters from Other Realms

Eye of the Midnight Sun
Patolli ★ Rhya Vetto Fana Valtos Sally Heath Grice Fluss Catherine George Abari Zarick Zuta Toike Shidan
Diamond Kingdom
Mars Ladros Ragus Broccos Yagos Galleo Mohawq Fanzell Kruger Dominante Code Mariella Morris Lotus Whomalt
Heart Kingdom
Lolopechka ★
- - - Spade Kingdom - - -
-- Dark Triad -- Dante Zogratis Vanica Zogratis Zenon Zogratis -- Devils --
Zenon's Devil
-- Dark Disciples -- Gaderois Godroc Foyal Migusteau Svenkin Gatard Sivoir Snyle Halbet Chevour Hischer Ongg Robero Ringert -- House Grinberryall --
Ralph Niaflem
-- Residentes -- Morris Lotus Whomalt
--- Seabed Temple --- Gifso ★ Gio Kahono Kiato --- Witches' Forest --- Witch Queen ★ Akimo Samantha Kravitz Elvira Aguirre Dorothy Unsworth --- Spirits --- Sylph Salamander Undine --- Elf Tribe --- Licht ★ Tetia Patolli Lira Charla Reve Drowa Rossa Ado Kivn Baval Ratri Ronne Lufulu Eclat Liebe Zagred Gimodelo

Black Clover Quotes and Quotes

“Even without magical powers… I will become the Magic Emperor.” – Asta

“My magic is not to give up!!!!” - Asta

Gravel may be gravel, but I? I am gravel that breaks diamonds!

I will climb to the top! Because our dreams are made on top of what we accomplish.

Hysterical women are always the third wheel. – Sukehiro Yami

If God forgives or the devil forgives, I don't forgive. - Nach

We should be proud of what we have done, we show that with effort you can achieve everything. – Yuno

If you are not prepared to improve, then you better leave. - Mereoleona Vermillion

I will climb to the top! Because our dreams are made on top of what we accomplish.

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