Japanese and English Vocabulary for Magic: The Gathering

In this article, we are going to see the Japanese vocabulary of the card game I apologize, the input seems to contain a typo or an inaccurate term. Could you please provide the correct term or clarify your request? Thank you! (マジック:ザ・ギャザリング). We will translate the Japanese letters into English and Portuguese. for those who don't know, this is one of the best and most famous TCG games in the world. Estimated that there are more than 12 million players around the world.

Even if you don't play Magic, but end up playing other TCGs, this vocabulary list might be useful to you, because most TCGs use similar words.

Why would I buy a letter in Japanese? According to official Magic rules, all languages are accepted in battle, there are no rules discriminating against languages. So you can get a rare card or a cheaper deck.

We recommend having at least an idea of the hiragana and katakana to be able to play Magic In japanese. It is worth remembering that you also need to have good skills in speaking the Japanese numbers.

Magic: The Gathering in Japanese

Vamos direto ao assunto, abaixo você encontra uma lista de termos e palavras relacionado ao Jogo. Assim você pode jogar Magic no Japão ou comprar as cartas em japonês. (Infelizmente pode estar faltando alguns termos importantes...)

Responsive Table: Scroll the table sideways with your finger >>
こうげきkougeki Ataque Attack
こうげきをしますkougeki wo shimasu I am attacking I attack
ライブラリraiburari Library Grimoire (deck)
カードkado Card Carta
手札tefuda Hand Hand (deck)
ターンtann Turn Shift
ゲームgaymu Game Game
戦場senjyou Battlefield Battle field
カウンタkaownta Counter Counter
ゆうはつyuuhatsu Trigger Initiate
せんこうsenkou Play First First
こうこうkoukou Play Second Second
shima Ilha Island
yama Mountain Mountain
died Forest Forest
平地 heichi Plains plains
in Swamp swamp
荒地 arechi Wastes Exile
無色 mushoku Colorless Colorless
高名 koumei Renown renown
威迫 ihaku Menace Threat
魔巧 makou Mastery mastery
生け贄 ikayniae Sacrifice Sacrifice
墓地 bochi Graveyard Cemetery
ライフをえる raifu wo aeru Gain (life) get life
追放 soooo Exile Exile
はんこん hankon Lifelink Link with Life
ひこう hikou Flying Fly
さいせい saisei Regenerate Regenerate
防衛 bouei Defend Defend
はかい hakai Destroy To destroy
速攻 sokou Stem Impetus
接死 sesshi Deathtouch deathtouch
先制攻撃 senseikougeki First Strike Initiative
警戒 kaykai surveillance Surveillance
呪禁 jyugon Hexproof magic resistance
瞬速 shunsoku Flash Flash
すてる suteru Discard To discard
破壊されない hakaisarenai Indestructible Indestructible
いかく iikaku Intimidate Intimidate
二段攻撃 nidan cougeki Double Strike double blow
装備 I am bi team Equip
はずれる hazureiru Unequip unequip
うちけされない oochikay saraynai Can't be countered cannot be canceled
打ち消す oochikay su counter Cancel
到達 toutatsu Alcançar Reach
召集 shoushuu Convoke summon up
占術 senjutsu script clairvoyance
果敢 Kakan Prowess Dexterity
覚醒 kakusei awaken Awakening
結集 kesshu Cally Gather
収斂 shuuren Converge Converge
上陸 jyouriku Landfall Landing
嚥下 fool ingestion ingest
欠色 kesshoku Devoid Devoid
支援 shien Support Suporte
昂揚 kouyou Delirium Delirium
変身 henshin Transform To transform
調査を行う chousa wo okonau Investigate Research
マッドネス maddonesu Madness Craziness
潜伏 senpuku Skulk Elusive
増呪 zouju Escalate Scale
現出 gen shutsu Emerge Emerge
合体 gattai honey Fusion
製造 I know fabricate Manufacture
エネルギーカウンター energi counter energy counter energy counter
構築物 kou chiku butsu construct Build
紛争 founded Revolt Revolt
即席 sokuseki Improvise Improvise
サイクリング saikuringu Cycling Recycle or take turns

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