Nihon Shuwa – Japanese Sign Language

There are thousands of Sign Languages spread all over the world, each country has its own version. And in today's article we will know details about Japanese Sign Language.

Japanese sign language is known as 日本手話 (nihon shuwa), was once known as temane, and is known worldwide with the acronyms JSL - Japanese Sign Language.

Japanese Sign Language has a different vocabulary and grammar than spoken Japanese. It is somewhat similar to Taiwanese and Korean sign languages. Japanese sign language doesn't just use the hands and arms, it also uses the eyes, eyebrows and jaw.

Fun facts about nihon shuwa

More than one 95% of the deaf community in Japan understands Japanese Sign Language, approximately 80% understands the typing alphabet and television. There are over 100 schools for the deaf, the first being founded in Kyoto in 1878.

In Japan the middle finger is used in sign language to make the brother sign. Despite Westernization, the middle finger is not often used for insult in Japan.

Kanji is used more than hiragana alphabet in sign language. Sign language also changes according to the province and region of the country.

There are some works like anime and dramas that make use of sign language like gangsta, Orange Days, Babel and others.

People with hearing impairments must wear a special sticker on the vehicle as stated in in this other article.

Differences between Japanese and Brazilian sign language 

The video below shows some differences between the sign language of Brazil and Japan.

Japanese alphabet on signs

Below you can learn the Japanese alphabet in signs.

Nihon shuwa - Japanese Sign Language

If you want to find Japanese sign language media, we recommend the following sites:

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