Difficulties that tourists face in Japan

Japan is a unique country, which can create difficulties during your trip. Many tourists face challenges that can be exciting or difficult experiences. In this article, we are going to talk about these difficulties that tourists face in Japan.

The difficulties mentioned in this article can help you prepare and prevent problems from becoming potentially serious. They can also help you to see these problems from a different angle, facing them in a fun way.

Difficulties with Rain, Weather and Disasters

If you're not used to the cold, get ready. Other than that, there are rainy seasons. Long rains can spoil your trip, not to mention the numerous typhoons that can happen around July and September.

Although it's very rare to happen, you may probably be afraid of earthquakes, and any earthquake can scare you. Don't worry, there's a saying that it's easier to get hit by a cow than to die in an earthquake in Japan.

Difficulties that tourists face in japan

There are numerous events that can scare tourists: earthquakes, intense heat, tsunamis, radiation and even an attack from another country. Don't let that discourage you. It's just small possibilities that scare some squeamish people.

I guarantee that it is 10,000 times safer to be in Japan, even if you don't know anything about the country, than to stay in Brazil. Issues involving weather and disasters can be easily avoided with basic information.

It's no use speaking Japanese or English

Unless your pronunciation is perfect, people will not be able to understand your Japanese, focus on learning the correct pronunciation of words, rather than memorizing a large vocabulary.

Difficulties that tourists face in japan

Although most Japanese people know the English language, you will not be able to understand very much what they are saying. Also try to speak slowly so they can understand.

If possible, you can try to mix English and Japanese. You can ask where the station is by saying “station doko?”. Remembering that the English accent of the Japanese is not easy to understand.

difficulties with food in japan

Japanese cuisine is very rich and full of things you don't know about. You may ask for something, and realize it's not what you thought. Japanese cuisine such as kaiseki it can include ingredients that are a mystery even to the Japanese.

You will likely find food that you don't like. Japan has some exotic dishes that aren't particularly popular with visitors, such as raw chicken sashimi or natto.

Difficulties that tourists face in japan

In Japan there is nothing like insects or dogs like in some Asian countries. Other than that, be prepared to follow Japanese etiquette, and the correct way to use chopsticks (chopsticks) to avoid embarrassment.

Japanese menus can be quite complicated to understand, not only because they are in Japanese, but because they use some very complicated fonts (letter style).

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difficulties with train and transport in japan

Firstly, you might get lost trying to find the right train or station. The train lines are super complex, you'll probably need help if you don't understand Japanese at some small stations that don't have romanized names or English announcements.

It can also happen that you end up missing the last train, as they end at 00:00. If you miss the last train, you can try to find one coffee Manga or hostel, if you do not have to pay a very expensive taxi (Uber there is more expensive).

You can get on crowded trains, and you will end up being pushed around, this is common in Japan. Be prepared and know the rules inside the train. Even with a map, you can get lost in the big confusing neighborhoods of Japan.

Difficulties that tourists face in japan

In case you have a international driving license, you will drive like crazy. Japanese streets and roads can be extremely narrow, the rules are different. Not to mention the extreme curves and mountains that make driving a real adventure.

Other DIFFICULTIES that tourists face in Japan

You'll end up naked - Sources japanese hot springs (onsen) are a unique and mandatory experience. It's important to study onsen etiquette before you end up in an awkward situation.

You won't be able to sit down - The Japanese have a unique way of sitting, you are probably amazed at how the Japanese manage to sit on the floor at those small tables.

You'll bow all wrong - Turning can be difficult, you can probably forget about it, or turn the wrong way, as there is even a right angle for every occasion.

You'll forget to take your shoes off - We're not used to taking off our shoes wherever we walk in, this can be quite a challenge for some.

Difficulties that tourists face in japan

You will run out of medication - Japanese medicine and health products are totally different from ours, bring all you need. Some medications require eating multiple pills as they are weakened.

You will get hit from the toilets - For newbies, it can be a real challenge to defecate in Japan, both with futuristic toilets full of buttons and those little bikes (hole in the floor).

Your bank card won't work - Due to Japan's security, most people pay using cash. You will find few ATMs, and you may come across many stores that do not accept credit cards.

Monkeys will steal your food - The beautiful monkeys that you will find in the mountains and hot springs have a single objective: to steal your food.

Difficulties that tourists face in japan

You will end up getting lost or you will have a hard time choosing – Japan is full of small bars, restaurants, shops everywhere. You will likely have a hard time deciding, and you could end up walking into the wrong store. So, already have in mind where to go.

Tokyo neighborhoods can be annoying - Probably if you want a peaceful location, choose the neighborhood well, because most neighborhoods in Tokyo are crowded with people, shops and lights that might bother some.

You will be Vertically lost - In Japan, store signs are usually on the first floor vertically, and some stores are always on the first floor. Be prepared to climb stairs and always look up if you want to find a spot.

Difficulties that tourists face in japan

Japan is also very big, in each city and place, you will have a different experience, so when making your trip, be open-minded, and be prepared for new experiences.

Other than that, there is a way to summarize all the challenges that tourists will face in a nutshell:

  • If lost;
  • Unexpected expenses;
  • Challenges related to nutrition
  • Challenges related to accommodation;
  • earthquakes;
  • Tongue;
  • Culture shock;
  • Ways and etiquette;
  • Business challenges;

Is that you? What challenge did you face on your trip to Japan? If you liked the article, don't forget to share and leave your comments. Thank you and see you next time!

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