Do Japanese eat little? Is the food expensive?

People start to think about the thinness of the Japanese and the fact that the country is a small island that imports products, and they end up coming to the conclusion that the Japanese eat little and that the food there is too expensive. Is this really true?

I have already written an article talking about the why the japanese are usually so skinny. In addition to climate, genes and routine, they consume various things that help with weight loss such as green tea, miso soup, fish, etc. Now what other factors make people think that the Japanese eat little? I have separated some interesting points below and then I intend to talk in detail about each of them.

  • Food price;
  • Products in small portions;
  • Small bowls;
  • Little meat consumption;

Do Japanese eat little? Is the food expensive?

Índice de Conteúdo

Price is not an issue

People have a terrible habit of wanting to compare prices of things without taking the country's economy. In my opinion, it is possible to eat and enjoy much more in Japan with a Japanese salary than in Brazil with a Brazilian salary. The fact is that everyone likes to save money, and this ends up influencing the Japanese to consume less beef, since pork, fish and poultry are cheaper.

Another feature that shows that the Japanese have full opportunity to eat well is the thousands of restaurants scattered around every corner. I've never seen a place with as many restaurants as Japan. Most Japanese people do not eat lunch at home, they end up eating lunchboxes or having lunch in restaurants. Cheap and quality restaurants, I myself was impressed when I ate a great all-you-can-eat meat yakiniku for only 30 reais.

Food sample

When I traveled to Japan, even though I was scared by the price of cheeses and hams, during my stay at friends' house, every breakfast I had tuna, ham, mozzarella, sausage, as well as various drinks such as tea, juice, yogurt and all that for breakfast. in reality the traditional japanese coffee it's so big they even have rice and it looks like lunch. So keep in mind that Japanese people don't usually have any problem with money to buy food.

Products in small portions

If we are going to analyze the size of the products in grams, it is actually smaller than in other places. Another characteristic of industrialized products in Japan is that they are usually divided and packaged in several smaller portions. All this to avoid exaggerated consumption and preserve food. No matter the size of the food, the Japanese have the opportunity to eat all day long. The thousands of beverage machines and convenience stores spread across the country facilitate purchase and consumption.

The Japanese like to separate food into different bowls, and this can give the impression that they are eating little. But depending on the occasion the food is on the table or in different bowls. It is customary to use a bowl for rice, soup, etc. Of course, there is no problem in mixing everything, it will depend on the occasion.

Kaiseki cuisine 802

Overeating makes people fat anywhere in the world. In Japan there is also obesity, mainly due to the high amount of industrialized products. Of course, many girls prefer to stay thin and avoid overeating, while others consume more than anyone else and stay thin. All this is quite relative, the fact is that Japanese eat a lot. The big difference is that foods are usually fat-free and low in cholesterol.

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