How to know the right time to kiss in Japan?

Have you ever wondered what is the best time to kiss a Japanese girl? Or if you're a girl interested in a Japanese, do you know the likely places you'll get a kiss? In this article, we are going to look at the most common places where Japanese people are used to kissing, so you can prepare for the right moment.

An article addressing this subject may seem strange. However, many are interested in knowing how Japanese dating works. That's because in Japan kissing is seen as something of a couple in love while in the West it can seem like something simple and common even between people you don't know. This article will be of help if you want to know the most appropriate moment for a Japanese girl to want to be kissed. Or if you're the girl, you need to know the most likely moments that the kiss will happen and thus help the shy Japanese to take the initiative.

The best situations to kiss

In Japan relationships end up starting in a somewhat peculiar way. A simple flirtation starts to turn into friendship and you may be uncertain if there is a romantic interest in the person. Sometimes even after a declaration (kokuhaku) kisses don't happen and you don't know how to make it happen. Below we will see the best situations for these kisses to happen:

When being thrown into the wall - Kabe-don – The term kabedon (壁ドン) has become common in Japan. The word indicates the act of a boy placing the girl on the wall while placing his hand on her. The image below is self explanatory, the girl may love this attitude, but be sure she will accept you. This is the right time to whisper romantic words, kiss her and stare into her eyes and smile.


on the Ferris wheel – If you're on a date at the amusement park, this is without a doubt the best and most likely place to have a kiss. Sometimes even declarations and marriage proposals are usually carried out inside the Ferris wheel, especially when it's at the top, that's the right time.

At the end of a date – When saying goodbye to a romantic date, the girl looks forward to the kiss and you need to have initiative. If you're the girl, don't be shy and let your face know that you want to be kissed, because if you're going to wait for a shy Japanese guy, you might end up without it.

If you are already married or in a long-term relationship, we may suggest that you kiss your girl every day when you leave and arrive. Another interesting time to kiss your girl is when she's cooking, grab her from behind.

Planning a Kissing Location

If you're already dating and you don't know the appropriate time to kiss her, you can try creating the situations mentioned above. There are other obvious situations that girls do to show they want to be kissed. If you are the man, you can even create common situations for these kisses to happen in a romantic way.


You should take into account that Japanese are shy and need a secluded environment to kiss. Also try to create a mood, start by holding hands, something that girls most expect on a date. Taking these factors into account, let's see the most common and expected places to kiss:

  • On the school's rooftop;
  • Inside an elevator;
  • Inside a car;
  • At the cinema;
  • In the room;

You should also watch out for the girl! There are many signs they let you know that this is the right time to kiss:

  • If she puts on lipstick in front of you;
  • If she is close to you;
  • If she compliments you frequently;
  • If she bites her lip lightly;
  • If she keeps looking you in the eye and mouth;
  • If she drops hints;


If you're on a date, you have nothing to fear. Just don't be ashamed and take the initiative! Kissing in Japan is no longer a taboo, it's becoming common to find people kissing in public, I even see Japanese girls kissing strangers.

Despite her shy nature, she doesn't have to be so afraid of kissing a person from Japan anymore. What is your experience or opinion with kissing and relationship in Japan? If you want to comment and share with friends I would be very grateful.
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