Nagoya Castle - A Must-Visit Destination

Nagoya Castle is one of the most popular and important tourist spots in the history of Japan. Located in Aichi Prefecture in Nagoya City, the castle. it is full of life with many works of art and historical objects.

In addition to the traditional castle, the whole environment such as the gates, landscapes, trees, rivers, gardens, tea house and the Hommaru palace provide a wonderful cultural trip. All this for the price of 500 yen.

Initially the castle began to be built by Shiba Yoshimune in 1525. It was conquered by Oda Nobuhide and Imagawa Ujitoyo in 1532 and later abandoned. In 1610 Tokugawa Ieyasu ordered the construction of a new castle on the site, which was completed in 1612.

Nagoya castle - one of the best destinations in aichi

Like most castles in Japan, it was destroyed in World War II and then it was rebuilt until 1959. Some works and historical objects were saved and are on display in the castle.

Exploring Nagoya Castle

The castle is famous for its golden dolphins (kinshachi) which is a symbol of the Feudal Lord's authority. O Hommaru Palace allows you to discover historical Japanese architecture with several panels painted by artists from different regions of Japan.

Nagoya castle - one of the best destinations in aichi

In addition to the gates and towers scattered around the castle, you can find a rare Japanese nutmeg tree over 600 years old called Kaya-no-ki. See also a huge stone called Kiyomasa, which served as the base for the construction of the main castle.

Nagoya Castle has a Garden called Ninomaru, where there is a tea house and also a shrine. The castle has 5 accessible floors (7 in all) and an observation deck. On the first floor you will find an exhibition with several important cultural assets.

On the second floor you will find special exhibitions, on the third floor you will find a city of the time rebuilt inside the castle. On the fourth floor you will find armor, helmets and swords. On the fifth floor you can take a photo with the famous golden dolphin.

Nagoya castle - one of the best destinations in aichi

Take a trip to Nagoya Castle

Nagoya Castle was one of my favorites, especially walking around Hommaru Palace. I recommend anyone traveling to Japan to visit the city of Nagoya and this beautiful castle. There are many other interesting spots in the city, such as the science museum.

Unfortunately not everyone still has the possibility to visit this castle in person. That's why we're going to leave a video of our friend Santana below, so you can get to know this beautiful castle up close. Have you ever visited this castle? Tell us your experience! Thanks for the comments and shares.

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