What are your priorities for your trip to Japan?

One of the biggest difficulties in traveling is deciding what your priorities will be, whether it's related to sights, shopping, itineraries and expenses. With that in mind, today we are going to talk about how you can set your priorities during your trip to Japan. How do you define priorities when traveling to Japan? 

To make it easier, imagine that you always wanted to visit the famous intersection in the neighborhood. Shibuya, in Tokyo. That's your number one priority. But as you had to go to Tokyo, then you will want to know other places too. Priorities will help you come up with the ideal travel itinerary for you. For we all know that our resources (money) have limits.

But setting your priorities will help you go further. Some people want to come here for a week, others a month, others want to live and still others already live here and want to learn to have fun and discover new places for little money. 

What are the priorities of your trip to Japan?

Before learning about what to do, when to do it and how to do it. You need to know what you want to do and why.

To help you decide your priorities to make a good itinerary and a perfect trip, pay attention to the 4 points below:

Set your travel expenses to Japan

First, define how much you will be able to spend. This is important, but very important indeed! Preferably make a budget divided into parts for each place you are going to visit, if you are a person who loves organizing money like me, just put a certain amount in an envelope, and write the name of the city on the envelope, if money left over, well, if you don't have enough, you become a baby. 

You need to understand the cost of living, hotel expenses, train tickets from one city to another, entrance fees to tourist attractions and many other things. Some articles from Suki Desu can help you decide what to spend on your trip to Japan.

What are the priorities of your trip to Japan?

Setting time and place priorities

Second, set the time you will spend in each city. The bigger the city, the more attractions will be available. If you go to Tokyo then... you have to have a lot of self-control not to go over the time established there. But to help you control yourself, just define the third point...

Third, define the main places you want to visitSo you can put together your travel itinerary around these places. The secret is not to include many places, but rather a few with a big impact! But to know what kind of places you want to visit, it's good to define the fourth point...

What are the priorities of your trip to Japan?

Define what you want to feel

No focusing on places you want to visit, no focusing on material things. Just focus on feelings. Feelings of satisfaction, joy, pride and even feelings of accomplishment. This will help you maintain a positive attitude and give you extra motivation. Trust me.

Keeping a positive attitude is vital, as there is a darn feeling that wants to ruin your journey. It pretends to be your friend and to be interested in your well-being, but it only wants to keep you in your comfort zone. It is fear, so before defining other priorities, it is also necessary to define your fears...

That subject is for another article. This text is a little bit of what I wrote in my book entitled Getting along in Japan. If you want to download this complete and completely free book, just go to this link. I hope you enjoyed the article, if so share it with your friends and leave your comments.

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