Xenoblade – A game that deserves an anime adaptation.

The anime industry has been declining in recent years. We also noticed that several games have received not very good adaptations for TV. In today's article I will talk about a game that, in my opinion, deserves an anime adaptation. Today we are going to talk about the fabulous and unknown game Xenoblade Chronicles - for the Wii.

Although the Nintendo Wii is a very popular console in other countries and sells over 100 million units, it went unnoticed in Brazil. Not to mention this great RPG game that was released at the end of the console's life. This was undoubtedly the best game I played in my entire life, with the most epic story of all.

I'm a fan of great Nintendo franchises like Metroid, Zelda and I also know several other games that work a lot on the story and scenario like Assassin's Creed, Shadows of the Colossus, Final Fantasy and others. And even though I'm a fan of these famous and epic franchises, I don't think any of them can top the great story of 2010's Wii Xenoblade Chronicles.

Just playing for you to understand how epic this story really is. Unfortunately this game is unknown and doesn't appeal to all types of people due to its tactical gameplay. That's why I so wanted this work to be adapted for TV, so people can get to know this epic story.

Knowing the Game

There are almost 10 hours of cutscenes with a very well told story, engaging from the beginning, with captivating characters, as well as being epic and full of twists and surprises. This game has a complex story that can yield more than 50 episodes in a TV adaptation.

Xenoblade is a tactical RPG in real time with a huge and beautiful world, an epic soundtrack, charismatic and well-crafted characters, the story is perfect and different from anything. Simply and without spoilers, the story tells a war between biological and robotic beings and takes place in a world that in reality are 2 giant creatures stabbed with swords. The character along with his team is trying to resolve this war together with a weapon called Monado, which allows to predict enemy attacks.

Xenoblade - a game that deserves an anime adaptation.

The game gave me more than 120 hours of play, and even though I was not able to read the English subtitles, the story touched me deep down and it was totally exciting. This is a game I recommend playing, it is available for the Wii U and 3DS. His WIi U Spinoff sequence: “Xenoblade Chronicles X”Which has nothing to do with the previous one, again brought a rich and immense environment, but no story can compare to the classic Wii Xenbolade.

It's been over 2 years since I played this game, and it always brings back memories and makes me sad when I hear its epic soundtrack. Below is one of the most memorable songs in the game:

Xenoblade spoilers

Ahora hablando un poco sobre la historia y sus giros, recomiendo leer solo si has jugado el juego. Es difícil explicar todos los eventos, pero si tienes curiosidad, te dejo una pequeña línea de tiempo que resume la historia:

  • Initial details introducing story and world;
  • His town is invaded and his girl is killed and kidnapped;
  • You get a sword that allows you to predict enemy attacks, go ahead and fight the Mechons;
  • Then you come across immense worlds and peoples and make new friends.,
  • Helps resolve political issues and intrigues between people;
  • Meet other beings besides humans who help you in battle;
  • Help colonize a new city;
  • Many things happen;

Xenoblade - a game that deserves an anime adaptation.

  • You meet again your dear princess dominated by the enemy;
  • You are obliged to fight against it;
  • Then you arrive in what looks like the enemy's lair, face long battles until you manage to defeat the enemy;
  • You think you've beaten the game...;
  • You find yourself lost on a beach, gather your team and advance to the world of mechons;
  • You face the villain who has a great hatred for humans;
  • You discover that many years ago, you both lived in peace;
  • You finally make peace with your enemy;
  • One of his friends presents himself as a traitor, and awakens a creature inside his sword that presents himself as the true villain of the game;
  • You lose your sword, you lose your former enemy, and many of your friends are turned into creatures;
  • Many things still happen before you face the real enemy;

Xenoblade - a game that deserves an anime adaptation.

More details...

Many adventures still take place, after many battles and more worlds to explore, you meet your traitorous friend and fight a battle. Your friend gives up the fight and lets you pass to face the real villain who has obtained supreme power, you even fight in outer space. Finally, you discover the real origin of this world, and the epic story closes.

Unfortunately, I suck at summarizing stories, and there were many things left untold, many other important events or details that make this story extremely epic. Among this story thousands of things happen, you fight with several enemies, including villains who are part of the story. Just playing to understand this feeling I feel for this epic story.

If you know Spanish, you can watch all 10 hours of history in the video below:

What are the chances of being adapted for TV?

No work has a 0 chance of receiving an adaptation. However, unfortunately the Japanese anime market is only interested in being able to publicize works in production, and as this game has been around for many years, the chance of adaptation is very low.

We will only see this game on TV if Nintendo together with the game company Monolith Soft decides to make a remake for their new consoles. Fortunately Nintendo has shown a certain interest in TV production in recent years, this work may be a possibility. We can only dream or wait for a mangaka to create a similar and epic story.

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